Interview with comrade Mike Bane! - part of anime series articles!

Day 1,887, 04:22 Published in Serbia Serbia by Revolucionarbgd

Well, this is part of my edition of articles about Animes. I wanted to change something, instead of putting always the same thing, the text about anime, and then some pictures.
I have choosen to interview another fan of anime series 🙂

MIKE BANE is a founder of the Independent Labour Party.

He's also a member of Labour People's Army.

Also he is a famous revolutionary socialist throughout the western europe. Most important thing is that he's a fan of Anime, like me, and that's why I invited him to this interview 🙂

revolucionarbgd: "MikeBane, can you tell us something about you?"

MikeBane: "Well my character's name is MikeBane, I've been playing eRep for about two years. In RL, I grew up in Scotland and moved to the United States early in my teenage years. I'm a radical democratic socialist and philosophically an existential nihilist/absurdist. I enjoy writers such as Nietzsche, Sartre, Twain, Orwell, Wells..."

revolucionarbgd: "WOW! You must have interesting life. I see your political views are progressive, and you enjoy writting of very good writers. I read some of them, and I understand why you enjoy reading them."

MikeBane: "Yes, even though I'm only 20 I can say I've lived an exciting life so far."

revolucionarbgd: "How did you found out about anime?"

MikeBane: "Funny story, my ex and her sister got me into watching anime. The first anime I ever watched was the original Fullmetal Alchemist. I instantly enjoyed it because the first two episodes were denouncing organized religion as fraud and sought only power and manipulation."

revolucionarbgd: "I have also watched Fullmetal Alchemist, I know what you mean, and I'm sure, everyone who have watched it understands you."

revolucionarbgd: "Could you say something about your favourite anime series?"

MikeBane: "It's quite hard to say what my favorite anime series is. I often go through phases or if I come across a new series to watch I sometimes fall in love with it so quick. Overall, I'd say Fullmetal Alchemist (original and brotherhood) are my favorite, due to the fact they hold a special place in my memories. I do love Death Note and Trigun a lot!"
"I believe Trigun is an excellent critique of how violent our world is today and how really NO ONE has to die, but we often resort to violence to deal with whatever instead."
"It makes Vash's sacrifices and idealism so awe-inspiring."





revolucionarbgd: "And do you want to present some other anime? Or to say something about some Manga, if you read it, of course."

MikeBane: "Hmm, I haven't been fortunate enough to really get to read any manga. I checked out the Death Note manga a while back, but only got to read some for about a day. It's unfortunate but perhaps once I settle down somewhere I can take up reading manga." 🙂

revolucionarbgd: "What anime are you watching right now?"

MikeBane: "Currently, I am watching Boogiepop Phantom and trying to finish Serial Experiments Lain."

revolucionarbgd: "Hm... I haven't watched these two, could you say us something about them?" 🙂

MikeBane: "Well Boogiepop Phantom has been interesting to watch, it really is like a mixture of strange drama and dark entities in the night. Haven't gotten too far on it, but the story is loosely all connecting in ways I didn't think of! Serial Experiments Lain has been wonderful, the girl is pretty kawaii, and I am so intrigued by "The Wired"."

Boogiepop Phantom

Serial Experiments Lain

revolucionarbgd: "Can you say us something you saw attractive about animes, or some your thoughts, or opinions about animes? Something that you want to share with all of us?"

MikeBane: "Anime, at least the ones I typically enjoy most, will either have a really good story and good character development or it will be unusual and intrigue me to the point where I HAVE TO watch the next episode haha. Regular tv shows hardly cut it for me anymore, the sophistication of some animes is beyond superior to regular tv shows."

revolucionarbgd: "Could you suggest us some good anime websites on which you watch anime, if it isn't secret, of course?"

MikeBane: "Animefreak , Animeplanet , and watchanimeon"

revolucionarbgd: "Thank you comrade." 🙂

MikeBane: "All my pleasure comrade!" 😃

revolucionarbgd: "Comrade, I know that this interview is about Animes, and your opinions, but I see you're really educated guy, with lot of expirience and you have interesting life. Could you suggest something to people in erepublik or in rl, your thoughts and ideas, just to say them what should they do, if you know what I mean?"

MikeBane: "The best thing you could ever do for yourself is learn to love to read. Learn to love knowledge and let the craving for knowledge drive you in life. However, one should also not spend all day in solitude reading books and should get out and experience life. Take a trip, do something spontaneous, it's good for the soul."


This is the end of the interview. I use this oportunity to thank MikeBane for letting me have interview with him.
And I hope all my readers will enjoy this, and that they'll have some new information about anime world they didn't have 🙂