injustice by noobs (realty of eindia)

Day 2,594, 07:17 Published in India India by MR K.D

they decide who are experienced who is not. they give preference to old & friend in congress election .when i atlast won i knew all rules & basic still questions of how much basic & i know they critise ananthkrishan despite being playing game for while now because he is 14 in rl. when i passed bill which they did not pass purposely & it turn out i was flawed one. .they ignore my comment & post on purpose .i broke law set by YI & they still want me to understand game despite i know all game byheart& playing er for 1 yr now..& they are biased & favor ism works here.leave Yi now & join IF its is better but communication between players s low & preference to old player is there but they are good.& if means india first lack of communication is reason my bills failed because they posted comment after 24 h s from time of my comment & my bills failed because they posted comment after48 h rs & i am ok with vijay & other eindians telling me that i should understand basic but despite finishing 1 yrs as erepublican he still question if i know game & has insulted If & ananth krishnan
& that lead to outburst & i am sorry & ready to accept all punishment o punishment given to me by all eindians.

thnx to all for understanding,helping & supporting me & special thnx to If & ananthu

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nishant/kedar dere