Illinois, Your Congressman's Congressional Platform!

Day 456, 11:47 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Greetings citizens of Illinois and fellow eUSA patriots!

I am running again for congress to represent you in the coming month. As many of you know, I am active and always respond to e-mails, questions, and ideas and love to hear them. Representing you to congress is the biggest part of my job, so correspondence with me on your ideas is very important!

Notes on this past month:

Representation of you is part of the reason I oppose the separation of the congressional forum board for just congressman. Though I understand the niceties of being able to have a more well ordered conversation, people should be welcome to see and comment on the topics. There is no perfect option and I prefer to err on the side of free speech rather than closed discussion.

As most of you know, at the beginning of the last term Teacher stole our Fed Treasury causing huge problems. The most disappointing thing was the lack of respect I saw in name-calling and label placing used on either side in an attempt to make people seem like they didn’t care. There is no way through blaming others that we can unite, or that we can make a better eUSA. Everything that happened was not as I would have liked it, but I tried to get through the proposals needed to get things done even if they were not perfect.

Voting Recor😛]


I intend to represent the people of Illinois and push for low taxes. Low taxes have the benefit of making it easier to export materials and take the wealth of the world into our hands. It will provide more jobs for our citizens by giving space for our product.

I believe that the current emergency tax plan needs to be changed to something more bearable, the problem is the debate rages as to what that is.

Income Tax: This should be the majority of the government’s income. Though yes, it comes straight out of your paycheck, Income taxes are easier on the newer people than VAT. General Managers also have income tax.

Import: These should high enough to not allow foreign companies to suffocate US companies, but low enough to allow them to compete so that we get plenty of income from foreign countries and build international relationships with any nation that is not hostile. Preferably this rate would be a little higher than it is right now.

VAT: Is a tricky tax, I believe it should be used to supplement the income tax in order to soften the blow there, and to harness the economy to protect from inflation while providing some income.

Why do I believe low taxes?

I am a believer in low taxes to help the common worker and company to take as little rightfully earned money from the paychecks of citizens as possible. This is my ethical belief that you deserve your own money as much as possible.

Some have lowered the accusation at me that I am not for low taxes-this is not true. It is unfortunate, but I believe the emergency tax plan was needed to rebuild our funds-my heart was for the best of the people. I lost my job when the taxes were raised and got a skill 0 job.

There has to be a balance and one in which, no matter what it is, I will not be comfortable with. Stockpiling weapons and paying for tanks costs lots of money. Either I will feel that we are taking too much from the American worker, or we are not producing enough revenue to keep the American country safe. We have not found that middle balance, yet, and I hope that it can be reached through logic and compromise in a way that makes sense.

That is a hard thing to do.

Hospitals/Defense Systems:

Hospitals are vital within the eUSA. However, we are doing pretty well with the amount of hospitals that we have, in general. Though more should and shall be bought. The problem is costs and keeping down expenses so that we can let you have your own money.

Defense systems are not worth our time. They’re very pricy for the good that they do and so I think that, for now, we should hold off on any DS buying.

I realize more realistically that we can’t do this too much and it is important that we budget.


I intend to protect the interest of the eUSA internationally. While I am not a proponent of needless war, an alliance (not necessarily Atlantis) and the willingness to defend ourselves and our allies is important. That does that does not mean that reactionary aggression is the first step to peace.

I will support any decent nation (unless there is reason to believe in foul play) having an MPP with us. MPP’s allow us to fight from a safe distance which is great!

In conclusion:
More than anything, I want to represent YOU as a citizen of Illinois. I want to keep in contact with you, I have kept in contact with you over the past month, and I want to let you know what's going on in congress from the word of a congressman via pm and newsletter. I'm going to start using google docs as well.

I am not a perfect man…
But if you let me, I will ensure to the best of my ability the economy is bolstered, no needless wars but no cowardice from foes, and that the voices of my fellow citizens of eIllinois are being represented.

Your congress-candidate,
Aren Perry
SADD member
Ambassador to Turkey