Hungary - You Make Me HUNGRY!

Day 1,739, 12:43 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

I for one welcome our new Hungarian allies. 🙂 They are some of the funniest and nicest people in the eWorld. Also, this is making me HUNGRY! o/

As you may know, I worked with a group of Hungarian ATO specialists to try and rid the US of the scourge of elitism and tyranny which has long plagued our nation back in 2010. Now that Hungary has finally been recognized as an OFFICIAL eUSA ally, I encourage the corrupt thugs who control the flow of immigration in to the USA to allow Hungarian citizens to "legally" and freely enter the country, after all, they are our allies!

I wish to thank the great people of Hungary on accepting our offer of friendship. Recently, a great Hungarian hero, Vareyz, the only person in the history of your country to become Party President of a Top 5 Party in the eUSA returned to the United States. It was an honor and a privilege to welcome him and a number of his associates back to our fair land. I look forward to seeing many more follow in his footsteps. America needs all the friends she can get! o7