Goodbye UNL.

Day 731, 05:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Andreas Isaksson

Dear soldiers and citizens of the United Netherlands,

Hereby I'm declaring my resignation as Minister of Defense. The current situation of the UNL caused this decision. The main points for this decision are: rejection of the new charter of PEACE and backdoor politics (hiding important information from government and citizens) of the President and Prime Minister.

Many friendships that are made and maintained don't matter anymore. Our biggest partner France is stabbed in the back by our congress.

I hope that the government and president find a good replacement for me, because it would be a shame if the defense will demise again, just like in the term's I wasn't Minister.

I will leave the UNL also. I'm going to find a country that suits me better and where I can help at their Ministry of Defense. A country where the congress deliberates their decisions better.

First I'm going to move to Indonesia to help to free the region Madhya Pradesh for India. Together with the elite, the KCT and the FD I hope to stand for a good cause.

I hope that the President accepts my resignations, I wish the UNL all the prosperity there is, I hope that Highst won't start a RW soon and hope that all soldiers remain very active within the Ministry of Defense.

Ex-Minister of Defense,
E😜eace Ambassadeur.

Ps: Forgot to say, it was an wonderfull time to work with my team! Mitch Rapp, Luuklag, DanielB1989, Maartenw, Phyrax, Cult and Schrach really thanx for what you have done!