for real though

Day 1,193, 18:20 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

alright so whats up Israel... Filthy McNasty coming at you... some of you may know me and some of you may not... i dont rarely mess around with these articles because i know half of you aint got sense God gave a piss ant and the rest of you have your own agendas and dont care what i got to say anyways .... what im talking about today is this... the economy is messed up ... like Zaib said in an article a while back... at the rate this economy is going we will all just wind up working for ourselves... so basically screw your little business adventures and join what is real... the military... all this division crap... let it go... we are too small to be this divided, lets do something for real Israel, i never stood behind many of the politicians in this country because most of them are a bunch of suckasses playing the peace bit to get reelected again, we got elections coming up again soon so how about lets reelect this Rheinlander guy again... he seems to have a good military going... hes trying i believe that.... lets have some consistency... elect the jerk again otherwise all the good he has done will got right down the crapper... if you cant get down with that you deserve to live in a boring Israel that does basically nothing... ill let you in on one thing too... this country hasnt been nothing partly because of inconsistancy... there is always a power change there is always someone wanting some power... all this time Israel is the one who suffers because we do NOTHING.... i have been here for a while ... guess what has happened since ive been here..... NOTHING.... Israel deserves better than this.... lets try to work together for once ? for Filthy's sake ? hmmmm