Food to make eEgypt stronger [CAT/ ENG]

Day 2,128, 13:34 Published in Egypt Egypt by National Bank of Egypt

Durant els dies de torneig el govern de Eegipte donara pa o armes a tot ciutadà d'aquest país que ompli aquest qüestionari, esperem aixi ajudar vos a aconseguir mes recompenses en el torneig.

Es donaran 1.000 d'energia màxim 2 cops el dia.

Espero que ho gaudiu i molta sort a tots.

Demana els teus caramels, no siguis tímid i perd la por.

During the tournament day, the government of eEfypt will give food or weapons to all the citizens of the country that fills this form , we hope to help you to achieve more rewards from the tournament.

It's going to be given 1.000 of energy twice per day.
We hope you enjoy and good luck.

Ask for your candies, don't be shy and lose your fear.