Flying Unicorns Soar High!

Day 647, 13:11 Published in USA USA by Office of the Chief of Staff

First of all, thanks to everyone who has chipped in, whether it be some tickets, gold, currency, etc. The Unicorns are not back on the federal budget at this time, so we rely on your generosity to relocate displaced Americans to more effective locations at home or in allied countries.

Preferred forms of donation:
US Dollar (USD)
Portuguese Escudo (PTE)
Chinese Yuan (CNY)
Moving Tickets (although we probably get them cheaper than you can, so cash is preferred)

Over the past 10 days, my staffers and I have responded to over 2000 requests for tickets. In most cases, we were able to provide displaced Americans with tickets, but some responses only included instructions. Our job here is three-fol😛

1) We seek to provide tickets to Americans who cannot afford them, so that they may escape occupied regions quickly, in order to become a productive part of the ongoing struggle against PEACE.
2) We also include detailed instructions so that citizens can better understand how they can combat PEACE in their own way.
3) We encourage all passengers of the Flying Unicorn Squadron to fill out>a short form, in case we need to call on their services in the future.

We are caught up with requests now, but running low on funds, hence the shouts about donations.

To my fellow Unicorns, especially the follow individuals who contributed their time and talent, I salute you:

Lorenzo Serafini
Raynor Vikrant
John Gabriel
Dude I. Rock
Cujo Mayo
R00ffles Mesyats
John Gabriel
Eugene Harlot

Top Donation Benefactors:
Amun Nefer
Scipio Coloradus
Tyler Buublar
David Fallingstar
Adam Griffin

This isn't nearly a complete list of all the people who've been invaluable to our efforts!

The Flying Unicorns will continue to evolve and adapt to the needs of our country. We are proud Americans.

Director - Flying Unicorn Squadron