Federalist Proud / Horny PP Election Announcement

Day 1,513, 20:37 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist

Day 1513

Below is copy of my platform posted in the Federalist Party Forum. Enjoy!

First some mood music while you read.

Prior to laying out my platform, as hopefully your new Party President, I wanted to communicate why I wanted to run in the first place. While the current leadership has done an excellent job in building up both the party and EZC, I see many opportunities and areas of improvement that need to occur for us to continue. I will go into more detail below on how I foresee us as a party achieving future goal to retain our ranking as a top 5 party.

However, the true deciding factor that got me to run was admittedly out of frustration and anger. Again, no offense intended for the current leadership team or Molly Emma, but during one leadership daily briefing a discussion occurred on who to the pass the Party President torch prior to the nomination process even beginning.

Granted it may have been just an innocent discussion that I took out of perspective, but I have seen the past party leadership continuously address who they are going to endorse and support. Again, I will put this in perspective since normally leadership chooses a new PP is to avoid a PTO attempt; however, I think this practice needs to stop. We have a relatively safe and stable party with an active and knowledgeable membership that should be free to decide without leadership bias, influence, or perceived strong arming who the next PP should be. Am I say leadership should not have an opinion on their favorite candidate; of course not. All I am saying that it is time for us to open our minds and let each candidate’s prior history, experience, integrity, and plans for the party speak for themselves.

My Platform:

“I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding. We will work on this in the White House, in the Cabinet agencies. I will go to the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light, and I will ask every member of my government to become involved. The old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in.” ~ George H. W. Bush - inaugural address on January 20, 1989.

Even though I am not a big fan of George Bush senior I thought the above quote fitting for my address.

1. Reconciliation: During the past few Party President terms many toes were stepped on in the name of party growth. Not to say some were not necessary and that as a leader unpopular decisions need to be made. But I feel it is time we bury the proverbial hatchet (hopefully not in my back) and make amends. I wanted to list this as the first item on my platform due to its significance. This way we can move on and forward and get rid of the fog that still surrounds it. I am willing to reconcile with those from the Federalist past and move on. However, DO NOT mistakes this for an opportunity to cause mischief or exact harmful revenge. As I said I am willing to forgive and move on, but for some trust still needs to be earned and opportunity, while given, will be limited so that no harm will be done to the party.

2. Organization: Many departments in the party are in disarray. If not remedied, this will soon become an issue. First we need an active FOP with a SOP and active volunteers so that regular communications are again sent out to members. Next, we need to rebuild our new player education material and the eAcademy. We also need to bring back the Federalist Business Network and create some possible land grant or loan opportunities for new players. Finally, we need to get our Marketing & Media department functioning again. All of which I need your help to achieve so I will be posting a leadership volunteer form at the end my platform for all those interested. Finally, we need to build a foundation for all the departmental areas that includes fun incentives through gamification.

3. Technology: The party has always lacked in this area. We need volunteers to explore automated ways that do not reduce the human eliminate for communication, EZC uniform skins, new citizen and party lists, etc. The possibilities are endless.

4. Recruitment: This area has been our strong point as of late so I do not foresee any real change except for the inclusion of mentoring and as stated in my second item better training avenues for newer members.

5. Inter-Party relations: We need to work with many of our fellow parties to achieve goals that I can not go into get detail about. I want to re-establish party ambassadors to help improve relationships and meet our goals for success.

6. National: As implied in our party platform RL > eRep / Nation > Party. While I agree with this wholeheartedly, I think it has been greatly misinterpreted and misused. Let me put in an analogy that I feel fits most. While with the best intentions we have performed duties called upon the party that befits the nation, sometimes it give me the same feeling as waking up next to a lover that was picked up from a nightclub. It leaves me with the sick feeling and wondering, “Did I do the right thing and will I regret later”. I propose we cautiously continue endeavors called upon us by our nation, but weigh each one for their possible ramifications instead of blindly jumping into each one.

7. Congressional elections: For last few election cycles, while I feel we held our own, we could have gone better. I can not go into detail my plans, but to suffice to say I believe in quality of candidate over quantity. My goal is to get as many active, inventive, and committed party members that align with the Federalist and its policy beliefs into office. This is not always possible, but with appropriate planning we can do better.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM or ask them when I am on IRC. As always, stay Proud / Horny.

Volunteer Interest Form