Extending a hand to teh n0Obs

Day 2,649, 16:58 Published in Canada USA by dscape chaos

Extending a hand to teh n0Obs

I began playing eRep before this account in eNK quite a while ago as most people know, but I had no idea what I was doing. I spent most of my time there not getting much advice and while I did contribute to the community overall, or at least tried to, there wasn't much help there to be offered. So I quit and there is no getting that account back. (It was a very long time ago ...)

Skip head to today and this is my "new" account (it's a year old but most of you are much more aged than I am 😛) and I got quite a lot of help from people explaining to me slowly over time little ways that I could do more to help myself financially contribute to myself while also contributing to the market overall which, in turn, also contributed to myself.

Most people that just pop on eRepublik are not aware of the gold or CC bonus they get from certain achievements, just as they are not aware of, once getting those achievements, how to use and spend what they earned properly.
Now most tutorials explain training and saving up gold but having a steady CC income helps a lot to buy ourselves both food and Q7s. I noticed myself that a lot of people in certain MUs (you know who you are) give out free Q7s to earn higher numbers in membership which usually in turn results in a bored citizen which inevitably leaves their citizen idle and eventually "dead".

New citizens desire interaction and they can get some more interaction by learning how to generally support themselves through clicking their browser a few more times, earning the achievements, buying houses and working overtime, etc. A lot of us already know all these things and I'm not going to write a tutorial here for everyone to use as a staple to teach with. That would be utterly pointless.
Instead just write it yourselves. Send out PMs to your new MU or Party members if you notice their account is young. Write something out that will teach them the little tricks that, while obvious to most people, they might not be aware of -- like working overtime. Telling someone to save their gold to upgrade training centers is great advice but I think we can all do a little better.

Giving out free stuff helps sustain supplies that are very much needed sometimes and especially during wartime. But that is not going to keep a new citizen active. They want to click and they want to learn, and they want to do it themselves ultimately.

If you want to do the "mentor" thing then fine, I guess that might work although little to no oversight comes with the mentorship. Sometimes the shout feed is good enough, othertimes we can get someone on a party based education system who will send out pre-written PMs and such.
Well that's all there is to say really. I wanted to write this because, while lacking any detail, it is something I've been talking about to a few people privately and I don't feel I really need to go into much detail honestly because while a lot of you might have been dropped as a baby you are definitely not stupid.

So do the smart thing and leave a comment so I can complete the JJ mission with 25 comments below.

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