Export License. Explaination. Romania.

Day 986, 18:33 Published in Romania USA by Silent Woe

The power of the Export License.

Advisory: choose a market to export to for your given product or RM that has an Low Import Tax.

#1: Sell Product or RM in target country.
deal with the import and VATaxes that local government uses to profit of you.

#2: Recieve target countries Local Currency for the Inherent Value of the Labor + Profit

#3: Sell Local Currency to MM Buyer who desires local currency for gold(networking Currency of Erepublik), this is the 1st independant profiteer since people want to make more currency for the amount of gold they give you.

#4: Sell Gold to MM Buyer who desires gold in return for his supply of Company Home Currency.
2nd independant profiteer, his desire is to get the most gold for the least amount of Company Home Currency.

#5: The Inherent Value of labor has transfer from one currency to another with only 2 real profiteers siphoning off value.

#6: the Inherent Value in Home Company Currency is then Subdivided into 10 to 20 people who exchanged labor to create goods or RMs in return for Home Company Currency.
the GM or Org Also desires his own share in profit by either retaining some of the gold or the Home Company Currency

#7: the Laborers & GM(or Org owner) then spend there money on must haves like food, then store the remainder for the wants networking the inherent value transfer from a foreign economy into the local economy.

#8: Laborers Work again to Produce RMs or Products in Exchange of Home Currency.

#9: Gms(or Org Owner) then Sell Products in Home and/or Foreign Markets thus Returning to #1

thus wise Export Licenses to Low Import tax demand markets in times and situations of insufficient Company Demand is not only good for the Company, but for the workers and the rest of Home Economy as the Inherent Value of Currency flows into an export economy.

the trick is finding the economy that needs more imports because it lacks importers and/or local supply sufficient to keep goods low. and that economy has low import taxes in that particular set of goods.

Good luck & sell well.
Silence Deathstalker