Enfal TR CP Candidate and Cabinet

Day 2,296, 12:10 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ukraine by Burevii
Dear my friends this article will be about my CP candidate.English is under Bosniak

Kao prvo, moram reci da sa pocastvovan da budem CP eBIH.
Neki od mojih prijatelja su mi to ponudili, i naravno prihvatio sam. To mi je bio san.

Dakle, da se predstavim. U RL zovem se Enfal, imam 23 godine. U eBIH sam preko godinu.
I u RL sam Turcin a ne Bosnjak kako su mnogi mislili, ali volim BIH u RL i tu sam da pomognem.

Da kazem nesto o mojim planovima.

Kao prvo, prio ce nam biti ocuvanje regiaj u UAE, i zajedno sa Albancima ce mo biti u mirnim odnosima sa UAE. I naravno potruditi ce mo se da i nase core regije oslobodimo.

Ovog mjeseca ce mo maksimalno pomoci saveznicima. Kao sto znate mi smo proSirius
i nastavicemo da budemo sto blize Siriusu. Biti ce i nekih novih MPPova.

Preko privatnih poruka, organizirati cemo udare na #vojska.ebih .
Postavljati cu i CO-ove, naravno iz prvatnog fonda.

Sto se tice ekonomije, trebali bi preurediti neke porez koji bi pomogli nasim igracima.
Takodjer cemo nastaviti MRiSS podjele.
Zelim da naglasim da odluke o porezu necemo donositi, dok se ne konsultujemo sa kongresom.

I moram da kazem da ne poznajem BIH jezik, i da ce mi tu pomoci Comrade Gramisci.



Enfal TR

Prime Minister



HB Warrior

Comrade.Gramsci - vMofa Sandor Szavost


13th GuNNer - vMod 13th Legionar

Minister of Economy


Minister of Education


First of all i must say i am so excited . Some of my friends offered this and i accepted. Eventually this was my dream.

So let me introduce myself. My name is Enfal and i am 23 years old . I am in eBIH totally more than 1 year. I’m from Turkey in RL and I am a Turk not a Bosniak as someone think but i love BIH in RL that is why i am here and help eBIH.

And let’s say something about our plans.

Dear my brothers , first of all we will continue to stay in UAE with Albanian brothers and we will continue to have peace in UAE. This will be our first prio. Also we will try to be active in our original lands ofc.
In this month we will help to our allies with all our power.

As you know we are with Sirius and we will continue to be close to Sirius. We will also be active with this process. We can see new MPPs in this month.

And we will try to organize with PM groups and on mibbit #vojska.eBIH. Also I will put some CO for only BIH members in some wars with my money ofc.

For economy I think we must increase taxes a little to make more help our players. However this doesn’t mean we will do this . We will continue to help you with Ministry of Work. We will talk about this at parliament.

And i have to say unfortunately i don’t know Bosnian langauge. So for this problem my cabine will help to me especially Comrade.Gramsci

Good luck to other candidates !