Elections, Big Game

Day 1,719, 23:53 Published in India India by The Khurram

Presidential Elections, it's not between 2 groups anymore in India. A "Big Game" is being played under international influence. We all know how Serbians and Polish tried several assassination attempts on our former President Her Highness RD1234. Later they sent thier agents and spies to kidnap our Chief of Security M. Khurram. Now they're using the third unseen hand in our elections, we're unable to stop them coz situation in our country is unpredictable right now.

First we saw the verbal abuse between our 2 Presidential candidates, At very begining they both were sweet like "Candies" and "Dates" but later they became candidates. They both were seen last night in last Presidential debate, in Samnomix's TV program.

Alector: I did this, this and this for this country.
Asmitatheone: But you didn't do that and that and that also, but that I did.
Alector: I've been loyal to this land.
Asmitatheone: I've been more loyal to this land.
Alector: It's a lie, you're the one who really put RD1234 and M. Khurram in prison, so you can stage that drama of your action.
Asmitatheone: NO! the drama was when you sent that Pakistani girl from your underground network, so you can stage that drama of your help.
Alector: You really think that? I did much more good and I'll do more. I'll do this and this to the economy, I'll do that and also that to MPPs.
Asmitatheone: HAHAHA, you sound funny coz you can't do such big things. I'll do such and such things, oh... and such things also.
Alector: HAHAHA, you can just SAY blah blah, I'm gonna DO blah blah and blah and yes that blah as well.
Asmitatheone: Wow, your name shouldn't be 'Alector' but 'An Actor' coz all you can DO is acting.
Alector: OH shut your F*[peeeeeep].
Asmitatheone: NO I'll shut your [peep], [peep] and all other [peeps].
Alector: Huh, you can't coz I've Paki bodyguard girls who train in my underground network.
Asmitatheone: And I've Abhinay Gupta who can fight with girls.

Right after that, clashes between supporters of both Candies and Dates were reported, all over the country. This video was sent to us by Ayush121212 where we can clearly see the Paki girl and Abhinay Gupta shooting at each other.

Chief of Security M. Khurram was trying to stop them, he said "Guys, open your eyes. Polish and Spanish has started a new alliance and UK is joining them, plus UK and Ireland has signed MPP. Serbians were failed before and now they're using help from this Polish alliance to occupy us. If we keep fighting with each other like this, we can't defend Mother India."

Both groups refused to stop and kept fighting, even Cheif of Security M. Khurram was injured badly, trying to stop them. Later he was taken to hospital.

Right after that M. Khurram's security team took control of the Capital City. Now there're still clashes reported between both political rivals and Security team. M. Khurram's security team has taken complete control of all polling stations and Election Commision. This pic was taken by MohanB

Rumors 're that Chief M. Khurram is gonna produce election results of his choice. Is he gonna let Alector win coz he promised to give full access to his underground network? Is he gonna let Asmitatheone win coz she altered him as Knight? Is he gonna let some PTOer come coz they promised to give 5000 for each vote? Is he gonna bring the last option? impose Martial Law with help of Indian Army? Future is in his hands.

Jai Hind.