eIsrael Alliance Choice Survey Results [ENG]

Day 2,013, 21:22 Published in Israel Israel by Hunter the Hammer

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since part one of this series about our alliance decision.

But I held off because of the KM elections today.

I figured that it would be a great way to introduce our first KM since the eSerbian liberation than by posting part two.

Before I get started, I want to thank everyone for the support I got during my first article.

It really encouraged me and made me want to make this one.

So, in part two, I'm going to look at the responses of my survey and share my thoughts about what I learned and what I can infer that eIsrael wants.

To note, this part doesn't include any interviews.

The next few articles with be about some interviews I will have with people that answered the survey

Finally, thank you to Doreen Christopple, Filthy McNasty, John TG, and offer358 for filling it out.

So here we go!

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What is the MOST important thing an alliance must provide to eIsrael?
Doreen Christopple - Member countries who are respectful to each other.
Filthy McNasty - Protection from invaders.
John TG - Protection from invaders.
offer358 - Protection from invaders.

With the eSerbian conquest fresh in everyone's mind, I was right when I predicted that most would want protection from invaders as the most important things an alliance provides. Many of can guess why, but for those who are new and may not know, since the end of 2012, we were completely conquered by eSerbia, even though they had no strategic reason or need for our territory. We attempted many resistance wars, and many were successful, but in the days after, we were reconquered by them. During the occupation, the amount of active citizens was very low. New players were hard to come by and veterans were upset about how new players who didn't understand how the game worked were making stupid decisions. As of a few weeks ago, our liberation attempt succeeded and we are completely free, have a good number of citizens (bough we always want more), and control all 5 of our original territories. When I asked for an explanation for why people chose protection, it was all the same. We are a small country and need to make sure others will help us stay free.
What stood out about this was Doreen Christopple's choice. In the survey, he had accidentally refreshed the page, so I didn't get an explanation about why. In my interview with him, you can definitely expect me to ask him why this was his choice.


What is the LEAST important thing an alliance must provide to eIsrael?
Doreen Christopple - No answer. Refresh prevented an answer from saving
Filthy McNasty - Open trade among member countries.
John TG - Protection from PTOs (Political Take-Overs)
offer358 - Open trade among member countries

Everyone justified their answer differently, so I'm going to break down everyone's explanation individually

Filthy McNasty - As he correctly states, the economy module is broken. Right now, there is no good way to buy and sell goods in Erepublik. The black market system is how most trade, he says, and he doesn't care. If someone wants to trade with someone else, Filthy McNasty says that it's not his business and he should have no say about who someone trades with. It would be interesting to see that if the economy gets revamped and the admins make a huge, positive change to the system, how would he reach and would he change his opinion about how alliances deal with trade.

John TG - PTOs are a very difficult thing to deal with. The fact that others infiltrate another country just to take control of a political party is a tough problem to deal with. But, John TG makes an excellent point that PTOs are for each individual country to deal with, so the alliance should have no influence about how to handle PTOs. I would definitely like to know how he feels if the citizens trying to do the PTO is from another country inside the alliance. Then, how would the alliance leaders get involved?

offer358 - offer358 chose open trade as the least important, but in his comment explaining his choice, he said, "All of them [are] important. Communication between leaders and reports about the alliance's status are [necessary] for a military cooperation between the countries." His point is very important about the communication. I would make the educated guess that aside from the protection, the second most important thing an alliance must do is keep communication open and have reports about what the alliance is planning or debating. As stated before, the economy module is broken, so I can understand why open trade is the least important. If it gets fixed, I wonder where it would rank then.


If you had to make a decision right now, would eIsrael join TWO or CoT?
Doreen Christopple - CoT
Filthy McNasty - CoT
John TG - TWO
offer358 - TWO

The juiciest question of all has the biggest question attached to it. What alliance would you join? As you can see, it was split half and half about which one to choose. John TG and offer358 both made the same point about staying friendly with eTurkey and eGreece for why we should join TWO. Two members of CoT, Bulgaria and FRYOM, are enemies of eTurkey and eGreece respectively. These two make the point that if we want to stay free and continue to be friendly to these two superpowers, we must avoid any friendship with their enemies. Even though the two are not members of TWO, they lean closer to aligning themselves with TWO, so we should follow them to stay free. On the other hand, Filthy McNasty, who first said that this would be a hard decision, chose CoT because he personally aligned himself with them when eTurkey was let into EDEN. Why he has these anti-eTurkey feeling is a good question, and I will definitely find out more. The alliance decision will all be influenced by how much the citizens of eIsrael value eGreece and eTurkey as allies. For the most part, we are very friendly with eGreece. I can't think of a time I heard someone make an attempt to say that we shouldn't be friends with eGreece. eTurkey, on the other hand, tends to make more people cautious, as I remember when I first joined the game we were conquered by them. They ended up paying damages and giving us back our territory, but still, it left a mark about how I feel about them.


What's the best path for eIsrael to take about the alliance situation?
Doreen Christopple - Do whatever it takes to remain allies with all nearby superpowers OR make new alliance with smaller countries to protect each other
Filthy McNasty - Speak with the leaders of TWO and CoT about the questions and concerns we have about their alliance. Make sure all talks with the alliance leaders are made public to the citizens of eIsrael.
John TG - Do whatever it takes to remain allies with eTurkey and eGreece
offer358 - Do whatever it takes to remain allies with eTurkey and eGreece


In then end, the majority opinion from my survey showed me that we have two logical paths we can take.

One option is to not join an alliance and suck up to both eGreece and eTurkey, giving them what they want and in return, they will stay friendly with us by not conquering us and helping us if we get attacked.

This solution will ensure our protection, but has the possibility to be expensive depending on what eGreece and eTurkey want in return.

Our other option, and the one that I would prefer, is to make a new alliance for the smaller Middle Eastern nations.

This alliance would serve one purpose: to get and keep each country's independence.

I have a very detailed way for how I think the alliance would work.

After I do some interviews, I'll give my explanations about how I see this alliance of small countries being organized.

Thank you everyone for reading this.

I'm going to conduct some interviews for my next articles in this series.

Stay tuned for more information about our decision,

Hunter Willis