Edition 37: Our Dark Times

Day 980, 00:31 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

(WARNING: This article is considered EPIC. It is massively long and I could not prevent it.)

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Some Theme Music Perhaps?

UPDATE: The eUS is Returning Karnataka, follow DoD Orders and fight for the Resistance!

Some of the Images have Easter Eggs instead of an enlarged image when you click on them….there are 7 see if you can find them, enjoy 😃

Welcome to the latest Edition of the Anvil. Things are bleak, for those here in the US and for our Allies abroad. War rages across the globe and the future seems dark and foreboding. Croatia our brave and honorable ally has been wiped from the map thanks to the dark machinations of the unholy ones. Only to return a day to late. The west coast of America was besieged by Phoenix Forces once more and the states were falling left and right. Our inability to resist has only proven more disconcerting as we are dealt defeat after defeat and there are still the battles we have yet to face in the times ahead. The enemy was on our shores, some go so far as to call this the end of days.

But this is not the end America. This is not the end of EDEN, this is not the end of Croatia, this is not the end of Spain, this is not the end of Poland, this is not the end of Canada, nor the end of Romania, this is the time that we shine. We stand at the precipice of the unknown and this is when we need to come together and stand as what we are, blood brothers. How many times have we fought together and accomplished the impossible? Together we beat back the hordes of PEACE from Florida’s walls. We stood together in the flaming ruins of London. We destroyed the last remnants of Hungary in mega-fortress of Heilongjiang. Together we set PEACE aflame and watched it tear itself apart and burn to ashes. Together we can perform miracles, we pushed them out of North America once, we did it again and together we can bring Croatia back to her glory from the ashes. Phoenix isn’t the only ones who can “rise from the ashes”. But unlike them WE ACTUALLY DO IT! We come back from the edge of defeat and clasp victory from the jaws of defeat.

Polish, American, and EDEN Forces fighting the forces of Phoenix.

EDEN is in bad shape we all need to admit it. We have to pick up the pace or things will get even worse for us. But first we need to understand the things that make us weak before we can make ourselves strong.

We have some serious problems with each other. No one is denying that nor should we. We disagree and yell at each other every other day, but I don’t think this is a problem. I think we just need to tone it down when it does happen. When disagreements happen it’s a natural thing, we are like brothers. If we don’t fight something else is seriously wrong, this is partly what concerns me about Phoenix they show themselves to be one big happy family. We all know this isn’t the case. No group of people that large can get together and not have any disagreements. They are simply more disciplined about showing their opposing views. We could take a lesson from them on that.

Now we also have disagreements all the time about who fought where and not being good allies. First of all to the people who say those kind of things. STFU. That simple. Why? I spent more money fighting to defend Croatia than I did on California the next day. I gave gold to those who needed health to fight again and I can say the same of dozens of others and the very next day after we failed in Croatia I saw Polish and Croatian troops defending California. We lost that battle but it shows that we need to be there for one another.

The Invasion of California.

One other thing that needs to stop, this one really sets me off. Many of you have never seen me even slightly upset but this is a huge pet pev of mine. Threats, there are quite a few people who need to pay attention to this part. They need to understand where they stand and why what they are doing is wrong, inflammatory, and causing more problems. Threats and accusations of not being proper allies, not fighting when we are needed most is stupid. I am DAMN PROUD to say I spent a ton of gold trying to save Croatia. I gave away gold to those who needed to heal and gave weapons to people to fight out of my personal pocket, either through me or my various orgs and I was NOT the only one doing it many government officials were as well. Those accusations do not make it better, making those kinds of accusations makes the situation far worse. We were out maneuvered in Croatia and California, but we are not defeated.

Then there is the matter of the threats from both sides. Threatening your allies with leaving and joining with forces with some other nations or not paying debts is frankly short sighted to say the least. Some have even discussed joining with some Phoenix nations. If you want to join with those kind of people first think about what you would become. If you fight a war with bots and hacks people won’t remember the ideals you were fighting for but the methods used to accomplish them, it will be compared to the warfare of Genghis Khan who brutally murdered every last inhabitant of Persia.

So here are some friendly tips to help alleviate these situations.

First of all, STOP B*TCHING, THIS GOES TO BOTH SIDES! Grow up please? If you have a problem or concern with a nation, state it clearly and concisely to that government or governments. Make sure this is getting to the leader of the country not the lackeys. Stop shouting it out in the Media, it makes you look like children trying to get a seat at the grownups table.

This next bit is the most important part. Never use the media module to publically call out the problems and garner attention for it. It will be seen far and wide as a political stunt and any future articles you want to be taken seriously won’t be. When this happens people get mad and yell at each other and nothing is fixed, 3 days later were are back EXACTLY where we were before and even angrier than before if that’s possible. We need to improve communications between our alliance’s CPs. Summits and meeting should be organized to discuss these issues when they arise.

Say you do all these things and you’re still not getting anywhere with the current administration than wait until the next election and make it an issue for the Presidential Candidates. Point it out to the public in the softest terms and let that country talk about the issue and who is best to solve it. This makes it better for everyone and the candidates are forced to work on the problem just to get elected.

But communication is key in everything so if you have a problem, instead of yelling about it, maybe talk about it? Just a thought.

Has the eUS been the best allies? Hell no. We f*ck up all the time and sometimes the f*ck ups are quite spectacular and epic. Is the current situation partly our fault? Of course it is. We should have never opened Russia’s MPPs against us. We failed hardcore to keep Croatia safe. Even now we need Poland’s help in defending ourselves from the red menace. We are still learning the new war module and some of us refused to use it because of its tedious nature, but is any of this why we are allies? No. We are allies because when we try, and I mean really try, we shine. When it looks like we are down and out we surprise you and come out of the corner to the final bell swinging like there is no tomorrow. America and her allies have always prevailed in the end; because we have an indomitable spirit even when we are face down we don’t give up. America may look divided to most and sometime it is, but we are divided because most of us like drama and fighting each other if fun, but when we are called to service and we are most desperately needed we stand and fight as one nation and when we stand beside you we are a force to be reckoned with.

If V2 has shown us anything it is that communication and teamwork on an unprecedented scale is required of us. America we need to be ready to fight this global war in this new fashion no matter how much some of you may hate it. America is not invincible; we are but one nation among many. We all have our own national interests, but the thing that makes us better is the fact that we can put those interests aside for the betterment of us all. We have managed to push Phoenix into full retreat across the Pacific. America and EDEN will now stand shoulder to shoulder and take the fight to them. Croatia must be free once more. They are not the only ones. We must also free Australia from the clutches of a PTO and we will continue to fight to end Phoenix tyranny in Asia.

We must stand together as one people united under the common purpose of freeing ourselves and our allies and liberating those who have been oppressed for far too long. We have been bloodied together we have spilled blood defending our allies and they have spilled blood fighting for us. We are brothers. This line has particular meaning here. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.”

We stand with you EDEN and we are honored to have you stand with us. Now I would like to move onto a well known segment of my articles. And show a man respected by all in eRepublik.

My guest is a man so well known and respected he hardly needs an introduction. He has been around for ages and has done pretty much everything in eRepublik, from the Vice Presidency to Congress, from the Cabinet to the Congressional Budget Office. He is the founder and a constant fixture of the US Welcoming Committee. His name is a shining beacon for all to aspire to. Ladies and Gentleman my guest is the one and only…


1. When and why did you first join eRepublik?

I joined in February of 2009 after clicking on an ad on fivethirtyeight.com. The game seemed interesting enough, I've always been on the lookout for new web-browser games. At first, it was the political module that seemed interesting and it was the interactions between people and countries that made me stay.

2. Who would you say has been your closest friend here on eRepublik?

I'm going to cheat here and name two, because you can almost split my eRep career in half between who my closest friend was at the time.

Up until he became President of Australia (and mostly retired from the game), Cerb was my closest friend. We'd started the game around the same time, we were involved with the USWP and Congress, and later we had roles in the executive branch as well. We spent many days and nights chatting and laughing about stuff in-game and RL. He's probably happier in real life without this game, but if he ever came back full time, this game and country would be better for it.

Cerb left for Australia and started to quit the game around the same time I started to get to know Chocolate McSkittles. He has definitely been my closest friend since then, I was his Vice President as most people know and well before that we both worked on the USA Welcoming Committee for ages. Early on, I saw Choc's devotion to helping new players and after he spent a month in Harrison Richardson's cabinet, I knew he'd be a natural as President. Choc and I spent tons of time chatting with each other even before he became President and he is one of the few people in this game I would do pretty much anything for.

You've been a very good friend too Devan, ever since going back to our days in the USWP when you were my right-hand man when I was Party President.

3. Why do you think the US is constantly failing to stand up to Russia on the battlefield?

Their MPP stack and our decline. I love the USA, but we're not nearly as strong (relative to the rest of the world) as we used to be. At our height back in September and October after World War III, we were legitimately the 2nd-most powerful country in the world (after Hungary). Now we're probably in the 6-10 range, at best.

We don't have as many active citizens as we used to be, if anything, it looks like V2/Rising has had the opposite effect on us. We can fix this though, with organization and effort.

4. How do you rock so much at monopoly?

Short answer: Years of playing hundreds, if not thousands of games of Monopoly.

Long answer: Most players don't actively think about trades, even though it says "Property Trading Game" on the side of the box. If you don't go out and trade, you're going to need ridiculously good luck to win the game. The best players aren't just thinking about one trade, they think two or three trades in advance.

Early in the game, you should be buying almost every property you land on, even if it's one you don't like you can use it for leverage in a trade later.

And while you don't want to take too many risks, far too often I see someone play conservative when they should be aggressive given their situation. If you're not the strongest player, sometimes you need to spend all the cash you have (or even mortgage) to buy the extra house. Sometimes you give up more in a trade than you usually would if it might help you.

Also, if I can stress one thing about Monopoly to all of you: play by the real rules, no house rules. Free parking is a free space, you don't get money for landing on it. The taxes don't go in the middle of the board for someone to get. You don't need to move once around the board before buying properties. All of those made-up rules are common, but people don't realize they make the game longer. I've found that the same people who play by these house rules are the same ones that complain about Monopoly taking too long. If you put more money out there, it's going to take longer to get people bankrupt, which is the point of the game. If you're playing with people who know how to play Monopoly, games should not take more than 60-90 minutes.

If anyone ever wants to chat Monopoly with me, I'm always down. If you ever want to if I have time, I will.

Never trade with Ligtreb as a rule of thumb….but his trades are so tempting…

5. What was your proudest moment on eRep?

That's a tough question, I've had lots of them. Probably when I became a media mogul, it showed me that people truly cared about me and what I had to say. If you meant proudest moment as a country, it's the end of World War III, when the USA and Canada became whole again on the same day. It was epic.

6. Do you think the eUS and the allies can put aside their differences to fight together once more?

Yes, but it might take the alliance being on the verge of being conquered. 🙁

I love our allies in EDEN and the Brolliance, but must admit we don't get along as well as Phoenix seems to. It is my hope that the USA and our allies continue to work together and improve our relations -- together, we can be the world's most unstoppable force.

7. What are your thoughts on V2 as a whole?

It has potential to be a better game than V1. When you think about it, V1 wasn't all that exciting. We fought to put points on a wall, and businesses were essentially the same.

My only problems with V2 are the bugs and gold sinks. I understand why the admins want people to spend gold, but you shouldn't have to have large amounts of gold to enjoy the game fully.

8. Do you think we will manage to free Croatia from the grips of Phoenix?

Yes, but it won't be easy. It's going to take coordination from all of our allies, Harrison Richardson's announcement of Operation: Swift Fury better work.

9. Ligtreb goes back to Congress? Why the sudden change of heart to return?

I wanted to stay involved in the government but not have the pressure of the Executive branch of feeling you have to be always doing something. It's no secret that I've tried to scale back my responsibilities in this game, I declined a role in Bradley Reala's cabinet, resigned as Congressional Budget Office Co-Director and have stepped down as a Marine officer. I did this all around the end of Choc's term because I was starting to get burnt out, I didn't want to feel like I have to be here. I want to be on eRep when I want.

Congress is important, but not so important that if I miss a day or two people will care. This is my 10th term in Congress, I know how the place works and what it takes to be a good Congressman. It's probably the role I've been best at in this game, and the best way to help this country without feeling the need to spend all day on eRep.

10. When will you run for President!?!?!?!

I’ve been honored to be asked to run multiple times, but I can’t. Not until I know my real life will not interfere with my abilities for an entire month. I come from a large, extended family that usually drags me to do something with them on the weekends. I also have an unpredictable work schedule that makes be super-busy at times and super-light at others and don't know when they'll be. I would not feel comfortable running for President until I know I will be able to devote the overwhelming majority of my free time to eRep for a month.

So it might be never, it might be next month. Never is more likely though, but you never know, I almost ran in July until I was talked out of it at the last minute.

Thanks for the interview.

As a side note whoever talked Ligtreb out of running in July… YOU SUCK!!!!!! We all thank Ligtreb for taking the time to be interviewed. Ligtreb is one of my best friends in eRepublik and he is like a brother to me. Love ya Lig <3 I would like to note that I have played quite a few games of Monopoly against Ligtreb in the time I have known him...I have never won. ;-; Now onto one other thing to be discussed this edition.

There has been a lot of talk lately about impeaching President Bradley Reala. God knows there have been mistakes but this isn’t surprising to me. V2 is chaotic and we are still learning. It started in open congressional discussion and moved to public, but everyone can still read it. People were laying out reasons for Impeachment, some were defending. It was pretty chaotic, but then Jankems, the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responded and I was left shocked at the utter sense it all made. Before you decide anything I’d take a read.

Jankem’s Post

My name is Devan Kronos and I am here to tell you the truth, no matter how much it hurts or how it may sound. Someone needs to say these things, am I perfect? Hell No, is anyone perfect? No, except Dio of course. EDEN and Bros, we need to understand that we need to live together and fight our common foe. God Emperor Dio Brando personified this argument in his latest article.

“This is a call to arms. A call of arms to peace, to love and live together. A call of arms to flood the streets with love or light or heat, whatever. This is an ever-resonating message, which every guru, every prophet and every god has echoed throughout the ages, but most have failed to hear.

This is the message of Peace. Peace through harmony, Peace through love. Always.”

To Croatia, Romania, Poland, Spain, and all our Allies, we may disagree, but all families disagree. We stand with you as blood brothers. We owe you a great debt that we still need to repay and America remembers her debts. We do not choose our friends lightly and you are among the best and most honorable we have ever seen.

To Phoenix, we may seem weak and blind but only the arrogant and foolish underestimate us. Most of us are not good Christians, we will not turn the other cheek while you strike us. We will pick up a stick and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. Remember what one enemy of our country said of us after attacking. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” We may seem down but we are not out. You can attack and troll us all you like. We will do the same right back, Like this.

That’s right, oh snap. I pimp slapped one of Phoenix’s finest.

To America, this is a call to arms and a wake up call. Stand and be recognized as some of the best and brightest minds of our generation. I have fought through two invasions now and I will stand wherever is required of me. I would be honored to stand beside you to face it once more. We are not an Empire and we never will be. We fight for our freedom and we fight for our right to party. It’s time to kick some ass America. F*ck Yeah.

That’s it for this Edition of the Anvil I hope you all like it! I write because I enjoy it and because you the readers enjoy it. I love hearing from readers, it lets me know where I need to focus. Please sub, vote and shout this out! I am very proud of this article. I hope you enjoyed it. Now as usual I part from you with a quote.

”The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Your Friend, Devan Kronos
Proud American
Proud admirer and follower of his majesty, the God Emperor Dio Brando.

P.S. Vote and Subscribe Today!

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