Edition 28: The Dead Shall Rise Again

Day 902, 17:46 Published in USA USA by Devan Kronos

(WARNING: This article is considered EPIC. It is massively long and I didn’t want to prevent it.)

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A Little Theme Music Perhaps?

-The Risen
-My Future
-A Tribute
-The Economy
-The Interview
-Final Thoughts


“Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead.”
- Isaiah 26:19

Welcome to another Edition of the Anvil…. I’m back baby!

This Edition I will be talking about quite a few things, first let me clear up some questions people have asked about me. Where have I been? Well for the past few months I have been on a magical and mystical journey to the land called….real life 🙂 I was close to graduating college so obviously that had to come first and I succeeded spectacularly. I shall be receiving my diploma sometime in the next few weeks. I’m glad to be back. Now let’s get to the questions I’ve been asked.


Here is a quick little FAQ I made based on the questions I have been asked over the past few days since my return

DK! I thought you were dead!?!
No I haven’t died…..technically….. but finishing college does suck the soul out of you so maybe I’m an official zombie now 😛

Will you be returning to Congeress?
To be totally honest I don’t know. I honestly can say the thought of rejoining that…..’robust’ establishment is horrifying but I just don’t know.

If someone asked you to be their running mate would you be Vice President one day?
Maybe….if I’m in the mood…. I prefer the executive branch it’s more effective then Congress though that’s not saying much. But it’s more of a question of actually having the honor of being asked.

Do you think you will run for President?
In the next two months? No, probably not. After that? Who knows.

Will you be rejoining the eUS Military or a Militia?
Yes, in fact I have already applied to join the eUS Airborne.

Are you going to go back to writing articles?
Ummmm here is your answer posted in article form….DUH 😛 I have always enjoyed writing these when I can so I will keep on going when I can.


I decided to add this section today to honor some of those people who have left the game recently and two of those who are still here in eRep fighting the good fight. These people were some of the most honorable and kind men I have met here in my time. It was not only an honor but a privileged to know them. They have all served this country with the greatest distinction. I have decided while writing this in their honor that they deserve special recognition. An award I just made up 😛 DK’s Award for Awesomeness!

First I would like to honor those two that have recently left eRepublik maybe they will return one day maybe not but they still deserve recognition for everything they have done.

(Click his pic….you know you want to…)

Woxan was the former President and Vice President of the eUS and a good friend of mine. I first met Woxan in late September during the Congressional Elections. He and Tormod were not happy with the way the former AAP had conducted itself as would become obvious the next month when Tormod supported by Woxan ran for Party President against Mercurius100. Woxan was a man who had faced controversy in his time in eRep as every great man has. I am honored to say I voted for Woxan every time he was on a Presidential Ticket. Win or lose he always had my support and my friendship. I gained more respect for him during Frost’s first term as President I talked to him often as Deputy Chief of Staff to Josh Frost. He fought hard to finally after many failed attempts to become President and it was worth it His presidency was an astounding success, no one can deny this…except maybe Phoenix 🙂 Woxan, it was an honor and most of all a privilege to have known you.

Onto the next man on my list…

(I made this as a special tribute to Max, he loved it 😛 )

Max was by far the most controversial man in the eUS but he was a great friend and a true hero to this nation regardless of his later actions. I first met Max about three days before the October Congressional Elections. Ligtreb and I, were in a rush to fill congressional slots. He had by then secretly appointed me to be his successor as USWP PAC Director. We were working in overtime to fill the missing gapes we had in our overreaching congressional strategy. We were looking for strong candidates to put in places where we might be able to win with a last minute strong placement. Max McFarland 2 came to both Ligtreb and my minds almost at the same time. I contacted him to try and recruit him but sadly it was too late to get him in. Next month though I held talks with Max and got him to agree to run in Ohio to replace GoBucks. He won hands down. This former Vice President and Congressmen was a true American he gave his own gold to the eUS Military to buy new companies or he just bought supplied and paid for them by himself and gave them the company! I saw him do this countless times. Durning one of the Major battles I myself had planned to tank but my gold was tied up elsewhere at the time. Max gave me some gold to take with. No matter what anyone says Max was a true eUS hero and he always will be.

Now, I will move on to the two people who are still in the game. Neither of them knew that I would be doing this ahead of time. I like watching surprises 😛

(I made this Avatar for Ligtreb a while ago before we had Karnataka.)

Ligtreb = Awesomeness, that’s all that really truly needs to be said. He has been one of my closest friends in eRep and I have worked with him closely through most of my time in eRepublik. I first met Ligtreb about late August. We had talked a few times and he asked me to move to Canada and run as a blocker in the then Canadian-Occupied Alaska during the Invasion of the eUS. Oddly enough that’s when I first met Scrabman as well who was also running as a blocker but ended up winning that election LMAO. I later would become his successor to PAC Director. When Jasper Ferguson decided to not run for PP again, the Party turn to Ligtreb and myself for one of us to be the next Party President. After me and him discussed it, Ligtreb agreed to become PP. Ligtreb is one of my best friends and by far is one of the most awesome dudes I have ever met. He is a true eUS Hero and the monopoly man so you got to love him.

Last but Certianly not least is…

As In Josh Frost, our Kitteh Overlord.

(Frost on in his Kitteh Rampage on the battlefield….I feel sorry for Phoenix.)

Josh Frost is one of the scariest yet awesome dudes I know. He is founder of Seal Team 6 and former President of the eUS, the first man to server two non-concurrent terms. I first met Frost, sometime in October he had selected another dear friend of mine Daphne Lilac to be his Vice President but due to certain RL conditions he had to step down from the race. He later served as President and I was his Deputy Chief of Staff. I am truly humbled to have known this man and even more to be counted among those he calls his friends. I can say right here and now without ANY hesitation or doubt that Frost will always be my President …..and my friend.

That’s all the awards this time, maybe I will continue this practice, not sure, what do you think? But if I don’t continue I’m sure a lot of people may be upset with me….it brings this to mind.


I have been meaning to address this for a while but I never had the time before Real Life reared its ugly head. The eRepublik World Economy is in shambles and we all know it. Wages rise and fall and Prices do the same companies have died off and so have workers for that matter. The Prices have varied a lot over the past few months but that was all due to the change in the Gold = USD Peg but there is one constant that had not changed the prices are erratic and gold is vanishing from circulation never to be seen again. Where is all this gold going some ask?

Well there are three options in my opinion.
….if you REALLY believe the first two please….don’t reproduce.

The Leprechauns have come to steal back their Gold and their Lucky Charms! NOOOOOO!!!!11! THEIR MAGICALLY DELICIOUS!!!

Why not? It’s been stealing our ships and planes for years maybe it wants more gold?

Finally…. Ladies and Gentleman HERE…..is the REAL PROBLEM of eRepublik!





Isn’t it obvious? People blow gold on her with no concern for their future. They use the gold they were saving for a company, they use the gold they were saving to buy a house. All of it vanishes into her mouth and comes out the other side as empty promises…or whatever form you imagine. But we get nothing of real value back except a little extra strength that does no one any good. I remember when strength was a badge of honor to show how long you had been around, now it’s meaningless. Lana is the definition of a Gold Digger…..also another word that begins with the letter P.

Now onto the section you all know and love…


Today we have a very special guest! He one of the most well known men in America and had done a great deal for this country. He too deserves one of the awards I gave out earlier. He is a two term president and has been a driving force behind this country for a long time. That’s right ladies and gentleman our guest is the one and only…

Harrison Richardson

1. Why did you decide to run for President again after so long?
We lacked leaders and GJ lacked an opponent. I think if you'd ask any of my cabinet members they will confirm that I delegate a lot and many are getting valuable experience in any number of areas that will help them lead this country in to the future.

2. What do you think of Max McFarland 2?
Good guy, probably would like to have a beer with him, don't enjoy his gameplay philosophy.

3. What is your favorite song and why?
Ah man, tough one. Probably Peace Train by Cat Stevens, because I ride the Peace Train, my man.

4. Are you as surprised as me that Phoenix is still using that lame name?
No, it makes for a great company name. I'm the proud owner of PENIX Incorporated.

5. Why did you decide to choose Chocolate McSkittles as your Vice President?
I've known Choc for a long time and he is one of the best players we have. He used to be (and he'd admit) a very moralistic player, but he's changed and I think he is our next leader.

6. What do you think of the new economic V2 plans that the Admin have shown us?
I've seen more and I'm impressed, but overall if they can't fix the current version, I have doubts over whether or not they can code a new version.

7. How long do you think that the eUS will continue to rent out Karnataka from eIndia?
A lot longer.

8. Are you surprised that the eUS hasn’t been trolled as much by the British since we called their bluff and invaded them a few months back?
No, I'm not surprised. By that point, both sides were bored of the trolling thing. It got old.

9. If you had to choose only one, what to you, would be your most important goal to you, to accomplish this term?
New leaders.

10. Do you think that you will be seeking a third term?
Ask me in two weeks. The only way I run is if I don't see any new leaders emerging. Right now, I do.

We all thank HR for taking the time with us here today! HR is a person I’m proud to call my friend. Maybe Choc will be the next President, we will just have to find out 😉 But between you and me, I hope so. For now though I have a gift for HR that I made a while ago and I know he and you all will like it.


That’s all for this Edition I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you all for reading it was my pleasure to write this for you. Please Vote, Subscribe, and Shout it! I am actually not too far from achieving 1000 Subscribers, Hurray! Now as I always do we shall part ways with a quote.

Most people return small favors, acknowledge medium ones and repay greater ones - with ingratitude.
- Benjamin Franklin

Your Friend, Devan Kronos

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