Dear Spain: Do you still have any self-respect left? [EN]

Day 1,514, 11:04 Published in Portugal Portugal by S.Ribeiro

Friends and readers of The Global Moustache:

There has been non-official talk amongst some of the Portuguese about a possible invasion of Spain.So today, instead of the usual messages concerning EDEN and EDEN members, I would like to discuss this issue... and I’ll go as far as to even send a message of peace to one of our enemies.

But first and foremost, let’s face the facts. Spain is on her knees!

This once proud country, capable of changing the fate of battles and alliances, respected by both friends and enemies, is now a mere shadow of its past. Everyday, Spanish morale sinks to new lows. They are outwitted in battles, humiliated by enemies who parade through their territory and, above all, lost the respect of both enemies and allies.

I have no doubt that, if we, Portuguese, join the Brazilian/American gangbang on Spain, they will continue to suffer humiliation after humiliation. We haven’t forgotten the fact that you invaded us without warning, even though you were promptly defeated. We have all reasons to attack you and you know it. And right now you are too weak and would not be able to stop our three pronged invasion.

And let me ask... why is Spain so weak right now?

They almost have no pride.

Every ounce of pride they once had has been sucked away by these wars. They even dropped as low as to give their territories to Serbia in exchange for he protection that they need for their survival. But Serbia has better things to do. And we have already seen that they don’t fight for weak countries.

Yes, right now, Spain, you are weak.
Your community is battered and exhausted. Yes, If you look at you media, you see can clearly see that. A voiceless, tired community.

But the thing is... instead of making fun of you for this... I actually feel sad for you. I do understand you.

I remember having talked about this in an article in the past. As I once said, you are merely a gate of ONE, protecting their reaches from TERRAN offensives. I think that everyone has already realised this. Even you have begun to realised it. My question to you is... For how long are you going to conform to this situation? How long are you going to continue to suffer humiliation after humiliation for the sake of those who ignore you?

Spain, I once had respect for you. Heck, I’ll admit it. As a Portuguese, I feared you.

I consider that you once were our greatest rivals, strong and mighty, leading and having a strong voice in whichever alliance you are part of.

But this Spain is dead. Only a puppet remains.
And the only reason I would rejected an invasion of Spain... is because I pity you and see no worth in kicking a beaten dog .

One day you will break free from your ONE masters and become relevant again.
And when that day comes... maybe we will see you with respect again, either as enemies or as friends. Until then, enjoy being a Brazilian/American playground.

Wake up, dear enemies.

Please vote and shout, my friends 🙂 And whether you agree or not, do voice your opinion at the comment section bellow 😛

Spain, do you have any self-respect left?