Day 1,882: Caught!

Day 1,882, 05:53 Published in Belgium Belgium by RooieLente

I blinked my eyes against the sudden bright light as they removed the bag from my head. Each sound in the room sounded muffled to me...not just because my ears rang from the beatings I received, but also because it was that kind of room. One that didn't let sounds out.

I guess some people just don't like the screaming.

The silhouet sat in front of me. "Name and rank..."

I peered into the light. His accent was a thick greek one when he spoke English. My throat was swollen and dry, my voice croaked.

"RooieLente, Major..."

"So, seems your sea landing did not go as planned. You should not trust Macedonian intelligence you know..."

He chuckled. "Tell me...where is your unit now ? What were your orders ?"

Again, I blinked. "RooieLente, major, blood type B Positive, immatriculation number 026845, "
I repeated the items I could share according to the Convention of Geneva.


"I can not answer that question, sir"

He sighed and put his pen down. He slowly started to walk around. When he bend over and leaned in close, I could feel his breath rolling past my ear.

"Noone will rescue you,'s easier to just cooperate. It will be...painless, I promise.

I smiled. With a sudden toss of my head backwards, I hit him in the nose. I could tell my his muffled cry and the sound of the impact, I indeed broke his nose. I twisted the chair to which I was bound around and kicked him twice. The first connected to his kidneys, the second in the throat. It was quick...but it sure wasn't painless.

I toppled myself over and fell on his unconscious body. It took me quite a while to finally get the keys from his pocket, but I finally was free again. As I rubbed my wrists, I searched his body and loaded his sidearm.

Now to escape from this place...wherever this was on these damned Aegeian Islands.