Country Investigation: eThailand

Day 2,410, 00:47 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kanselier

Dear Readers,

To all eBelgians and the tourists passing trough.
Today i would like to announce a new chapter off FreedomPress international writing whit our repeatable concept called Country Investigation.
The purpose off these articles is to give readers, eBelgians or others a more eGlobal vieuw on the eWorld.
Some off us have good relationsships whit other countries, some do know a bunch about alliances and other eCountries.
But for a whole bunch there is stil a big unawareness.
In this project i'll intervieuw CP's/Prominent eMembers/Alliance Leaders.

Today i would like you to present.
Marcus L. Crassus
Current CP off eThailand.

Marcus, i have a couple off questions for you to give our readers a better idea about how eThailand works currently.

1)How would you describe your current position as cp off thailand? Is it stable hows the support? A couple off days ago there was an impeachement launched against you, is there a new movement arising in thailand, or whats the cause off the trouble?

Its usual on Thai. Every CP has few of those. Although, to be honest, one of them have been asked by myself- but Royal Council of Thailand did not let that happen. On my sorrow 🙂
There is not or it will ever be “a new movement rising in Thailand”. We do not have politics here. Royal Council rules with Thai, few players, and all others obey to their commands. There is no politics here. You listen- and obey. If you do not like it- doors are open to go wherever you like. Before we let anyone to join our community – Royal Council have its meeting and decides will that person get in, or wont, Thai cz.

2)How active is the community? Do you use a national forum and what is discussed in it.

Community is active, as much as RL issues let us to be 🙂 Many of us RL have some 30 years, more or less, we have our jobs, families etc...
We do not use national forum, everything is arranged through in game circular messages (we have some 10 of them) and on chat....
Our King and girl for everything is mrle1982. For everything you need, or anyone else, that player is a person for contact, although he alone does not make decisions.
CP does not have real power in Thai. Royal Council chooses CP for every month, and you have obligations to fulfill, even if you do not like it. For example, they decided for this month to be me, and I even did not want it, I have asked for real impeachment- but as you can see...they did not allow it.

3) How would you descirbe Thailand's eInternational position towards alliances and how does this affect thailand's place in the eWorld?

Thailand is completely independent e-country.
Players from eSerbia help us a lot, but we have never let eSerbian Government to dictate our politics. We do not have real opponents/enemy’s in game, except eIndia maybe- but its not on Greece/FYR of Macedonia way, or Serbia/Albania... Concerning alliances – we do not see our country in neither one of them.

4) Your currently at war whit malaysia whats the point off vieuw towards this war?

Every war with Malaysia is arranged. Every RW. We have really good co-operation with those guys.

5) I've noticed there's only a small number off people active in thailand and the media coverage is low to none-existant, are there plans to change this?

Its true. I hope, one day, few journalists will come to Thailand and make our elives more interesting. There were times when I have read eR newspapers every morning, while drinking coffee, and when you could read plenty interesting stuffs. But, those times are gone. It’s not just Thai.

6) Anything hot off the news you wish to spread around about possible future plans for eThailand?

Well, I hope we will make stronger bonds with eIndonesia in future. Indo is a country I really like, although we have had some “bad blood” few months ago. But, those times are gone, and I hope we could achieve great friendship between us. There aren’t some “future plans” concerning Thai, just hopes that Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, China could really stand one for another, and to create some kind of small Asian alliance through MPP’s (my personal wish are better relations with FYR of Macedonia, although it is hard to achieve)...but, we will see what will happen... Que serra- serra 🙂

Thank you for this opportunity greetings to eThailand.

Thank you for your call and huge greetings to the entire eBelgium community 🙂

Yours sincerly
Kanselier CEO off FreedomPress.
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