Clearing the Air abt Congress Thread Outburst

Day 2,600, 05:29 Published in India India by MR K.D

Clearing Air About Congress Thread Outburst.

i was frustrated by constant bil being not passed after doing lot of research & some were good & 1 such bill was reduction of vat on defence which i was going to pass another bill according to vijay recommendation with changes but my bill was still being voted so i cannot pass another bill & later passed by peter 123.. u cannot say i do not know game . i know the game i researched a lot for the bill i think u can say they were flawed & i did not listen to u & understand ur comments on bill & i know my mistake & i am sorry.

Yi is flawed it does have favoritism & biased something i got to know from my time at Yi . i have no rage or anger against YI. but they still want me to understand game despite i know all game byheart& playing for 1 yr now..& .but communication between players s low & preference to old player is there & & i have rage against favoritism & biased ism in eindia & YI.
lack of communication on congress thread & If thread on that day lead to my comment on congress thread..

& that lead to my comment on congress thread using foul language againts YI & all members of eindia on congress thread . & i regret it.thanks If & all it members for backing me & i got lot to learn from u.