Chief is Back!

Day 1,763, 19:37 Published in India India by The Khurram

Chief M. Khurram promised to replace 'Fantastic 4' with 'silver Surfer' but he was suddenly disappeared. After a long and tiring search 'Agent Tiger' (Abhinay Gupta) found the Chief M. Khurram, he was seen at a private resort enjoying a pool party.

Righ after Agent rakr took this assignment and found all information. With the help of former Finance Minister Gaurav12 Chief M. Khurram bought this 'private resort'. Later 'The Expert' Arminder taped Chief M. Khurram's phone.

Back in India, situation is pretty worse. Things 're gone out of hand as India is being 'sandwiched' between Serbia and Croatia. Last few days political unrest had already created fears BUT what happened today morning was a shock coz nobody was expecting that. Early morning when President Arawn Lives was getting out of home, he was attacked.

It is expected that opposition leaders 're involved in it, but they're blaming President as they think it was just a drama to take people's attention away from certain issues.

Later a telephonic talk was recorded between President Arawn Lives and Chief M. Khurram.
Chief: Yes, Khurram speaking.
President: Where the hell 're you? I've been calling you all day. Do you know what is going on here?
Chief: Hey! calm down, what's the matter?
President: I've been attacked, I hardly survived. It happened while I was comming back home from my girlfriend's home, I told people that I was getting out of my home, can't take risk coz then my wife 'll find it out.
Chief: But who're these guys? Opposition?
President: I think so, but why the hell you don't pick up phone?
Chief: Yaar, I was having fun with some booty chicks at resort.
President: The F***ing money we're sending you there, and you're buying resorts for yourself. And people 're blaming only me and Shweet Ashmita for all corruption. They don't know that we're sending all money to you.
Chief: Ok, cut this crap out. I'm gonna call Shweet Ashmita and then I'll talk to you.

Later, a text message was traced to Chief M. Khurram's mobile.
"You need to come back right now, I'm sending you my private jet. I've talked with Chairman of Advising Committee Don Mugal, he also thinks that you should come back. waiting!
Your Spiritual leader Asmitatheone."

One hour ago Chief M. Khurram was seen entering in 'Presidential Palace'. And after few minutes President and Chief were seen discussing the security issues, both domestic and foreign.

Chief M. Khurram and President Arawn Lives measuring the security level.