CAF Promotions Of April

Day 1,274, 14:18 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

CAF Promotions for this month:

Mansbridge09 to XO of the Infantry Branch!
Insaneferret to Corporal!
Elgatozorro to MWO and XO of the 12th Coroleone's Armoured Wolverines!
Coolmanos to 2nd Lieutenant and CO Rangers Two!
Punisher 1389 to 2nd Lieutenant and CO Rangers One!
JFstpierre to Brigadier General and Infantry CO!
supabeasty to Corporal in the 3rd Artillery!
osbornm to Sergeant and XO of the 10th Firestorm Squadron!
chottomatte to MWO of Infantry Platoon 1!
Lincoln 6 Echo to XO of Rangers 1!
Alabanda to Corporal!
Treian to 2nd Lieutenant and CO of the 11th Royal Rifles!
Gucio16 to PMO!

Congrats to all who got a promotion!


The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Strategy

But most importantly we are looking for eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here