Day 1,204, 18:36 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense


The weather was horrible. The special suits designed to hold off the cold were working properly, but not much could be done against a night that cold, with an extreme wind in those open fields. Only to make things worse, that wind was raising some snow off the ground, making the visibility lower.

There was no way the soldiers could see each other, but they had to continue.

Having found a small hill that would protect them from the wind, Lieutenant Nea Milosu decided that they would wait the rest of the division there. He contacted Brigadier General Mary Chan about this and, shortly after, the rest of the assault forces arrived.

They were looking at the nearby target, waiting for the appropriate time. They were freezing, but they knew that Canucks had a huge advantage over their target in this situation.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity of waiting, the fatal words came in:

“Go go go! HIT! HIT! HIT!” yelled General Danster9987.

The assault was fast and brutal. In the final moments, they finally got the advantage, and triumphed. The voice then came in on the commanders’ radios:

“Good job, guys and gals. Now, come back.”

They stepped out and came back to the barracks. It was just another day for the CAF, after all.

In this eWorld, nothing is certain, nothing can be held for a certainty, neither can we be sure of the design of the map tomorrow, nor that there will still be an eCanada in the next month.

Wherever there is trouble, whenever it is happening, you can expect to see the Canadian Armed Forces fighting to defend eCanada’s and its allies all around the world.

The official eCanadian military is looking for recruits who are ready to join, and fight the good fight with some of the most experienced, funny and talkable eCanadians you can fight with.

There are many reasons to join:

-Pro tips from older players.
-You get subsidized fighting and training with our exclusive SPP program.
-Fun, because connection with other humans is a huge part of this game!

To join, visit


Writen by,
Lieutenant General Jsboutin,
Canadian Armed Forces XO