C.A. English version

Day 1,156, 22:32 Published in Russia Russia by Mr. Alex Great
Русская версия

Good day. What interesting has occurred in еRussia for the last couple of days? What tendencies?
Today's issue will be about three themes:
1. About government
2. About alive deputys party.
3. CDP News

Lets us speak about the power in the country, and those who by hook or by crook tries to reach it.
Lets us see some positions:
1. Today came the latestPresident article. In it the current list of the Government is reflected. You can see that the government is represented by non-party persons and representatives of CDP, Russian Will and Clock Orange parties. And leaders of parties participate in the most active way in Government work.
2. Lets us look once again at previous presidential elections. 3 candidates work together in the current government. Summary of all their votes are 1112 votes.
3. Lets go back to the congress elections(Duma). Lets compare total amount of congressmen. Now, I think it is clear, why impeachment had no chances. Then let's try to answer one simple question: so who are these ‘’Huntjata’’? From were they are coming, and who are they to dictate to us their conditions? Yes, off course they have resources to get their articles to the top. Yes, off course they(2-3) are active in commentaries. Yes, off course you and me know their names, also as their ‘’work’’ in the past. But is there real support for them in society. For today answer is no.

This kind of stamp was issued by eRussian mail two days ago. So whats that all about mister President?

So is the sWINsMarshals Party alive or answer is no? So are ’Huntjata’’ alive? Party is dead, and long time ago. But soon it will revive just for couple of days. Before elections. There are gathered serious people who answer for their words. And all was here. Lets remember their top statements.
About people: ‘Where are those people who will pull out eRussia from the mess and will bring it, to bright future. When our tanks will be in Congress(Duma), our party will try to achieve considerable growth in army potential, for the further military expansion’. One month after.
About what will be: ‘When we will come to power - everything will change - as soon as we will have an access to buttons, we will receive grain in the first 4 days. Its written, so it will be like that’

Two Swin-quotes about eRussian parties:
1.’’Cadets, pursuing the glorification of Alicanto; FRP, favourite party of inhabitants of Siberia and nostalgic veterans; Communist, consisting of schoolboys who consider USSR as the greatest country, but didnt lived in it in RL.’’
2.’’Our party persuaded colleges from RKKA, RV, FRP and some adequate people from CDP, could introduce the law of appointing Ukraine as Russian natural enemy.
And for the ending: ‘’ I thank all who voted for us, hoping that you are satisfied, for granting your votes to the party that does something’’.

Of course getting more votes for the articles, then for elections, and getting more votes then there are party members, you can be sure that creating of the party is - just few articles in personal newspaper + pig on the avatar. Instead of working with party members. So from where will come the support on forthcoming elections?
IMPORTANT Newcomers and Plesen-1, you certainly will get into delusion, but we remember this article. We remember what came from it.

CDP News. Party President Evil_God became Minister of Defense. All know that this is shooting down post. Nonetheless courageous move. Best of luck. Inside of party we are changing the system of the membership. More closely you can learn at party forum. There coming more and more active players to our party and that cant be underestimated. Some old players giving up there active party membership. In this connection... But about this, next time. Continues work on coming congress election members list. If in the past month we couldnt close all our positions and produce clear list, so in the coming elections we will do it. But in the same time practice of providing seats to smaller party, continues. And dont forget to look on parties forum, there a lot of questions waiting for your answer.

And as you know there are three ways to get this game a bit interesting
Became party member here.
Then you need to go here and register
And then... but its a different story, dont forget to vote for this article.