BREAKING NEWS: Revolution in Sweden!

Day 1,925, 11:28 Published in Germany France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Germark... Today, one of our neighboring countries witnessed a well-planned an executed Revolution, overthrowing the current President..
Impeachments happen once in a while, so that's not the big thing here.
The big thing is the timing with which this action was carried out;
The impeachment-proposal was launched two minutes before the Congress-change, effectively giving the Congress no time to vote. Only a few number, presumably members of MSAP(Militant Socialist Workers Party of Sweden), got to vote, as the picture below shows:

(Picture is courtesy of the newspaper Aftenposten, owned by Aliquam)

Since Sweden is without regions, they were unable to elect a Congress and thus the country is lead only by no.2 in the last Presidential election, the communist Kamrat Ankan, until the next CP-election..

So, for now, the usually yellow and blue country of Sweden has changed colours; They are now as RED as ever before!( least as long as I can remember!)

In the Swedish community, words such as PTO, Revolution, Liberation and "fittjävel" are flowing around, and everybody seems to have an opinion on the matter. See the list of related articles further down.

You can be sure that this action will be remembered in the Swedish community for a LONG time!
Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and become AWESOME)

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