BMP structure and PP

Day 1,877, 11:03 Published in Belgium Austria by Kaad

Hello party members and eBelgian citizens! In some days will be the PP elections. I'm runing for a 4th mandate at the head the the eBelgian Monarchist Party.

Last week, I acheived an objective from the party: make someone from the party in the government (me😁). And choosing vMoFA is the best cabinet for our party, because our and my main objective is eBelgium on the map and eCitizens upgrading. Conclude pacts and being part of CoT alows us to keep our territory and fight for the country in TW.

This month, my objective will be simple: makes the party grows to makes possible to run for congress. We need to be a top 5 party. As it is composed of 4 members for the moment, we can't.

Our problem is that only two plawer are getting involved in the party's life: Matt Soetaert and me as tremaya seems to not be active anymore.

It's time to change! We need to find new and good players. We need to get more active in eBelgian's life through medias and forums. We are already working with the best ranked parties of eBelgium likes Res Belgica that share more or less our ideas. Our party is small but accepted as we are in a true eDemocracy!

Good luck also to every PP candidates!

Kaad, president of the BMP, vice-commander of BTA, ambassador in eFrance, vMoFA for January.