Best wages 3018, poland take home 97

Day 3,018, 03:06 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

First and foremost, Join the Black Sheep Party

poland 101 97

serbia 101 95

romania market wage 100 take home 95

hungry market 99 take home 94

greece market 99 take home 94

croatia market 99 take home 94


USA market 102 take home 83

What4 article about american average wage

We can clearly see by what4's numbers average wage has dropped a lot when taxes were raised. average pay dropped almost 10% from 47 to 43. I think this can be interpreted as we have lost 10% of the market paying jobs. if we lost no commune jobs.

I had lowered the pay of my 300+ employees when taxes went really high and was trying to re build my worker population so i was bidding wages high. because of this people got upset with me for making wages so high. so i decided to drop the market wages that i pay significantly. I did this by lowering the pay of my workers to a point they would quit and find a market job. thus reducing market wages. some people got angry. It is humerous. if they are upset they are being paid less than they could be paid why do they not take a Polish job where they will make more than any job in america can pay them. Why did people get upset with me for raising the market wage and producing houses unprofitably when they themselves would benefit from the cheap houses and high wages?

I know i am ranting. I really have not much to say just wanted to publish the best wages. and point out what4 article that raising taxes has hurt the economy long term 🙁