Baby Boom , Hospital , Voralberg , ANTI PP TO

Day 875, 23:18 Published in Austria Croatia by 89Djani
Today i would put 4 points in my article">

1. Anti PP Takeover
2. Hospital
3. Voralberg
4. Baby Boom">

1. Anti Party President Take over

Today i looked at all parties in Austria in 5 of them is a Croatian Candidate please wait tomorrow with the votes than we can put the vote in the party there is needed.
we must prevail the PP TO.">

First i start with the Imperial Austrian party the official Candidate is kenji fujimito and TO candidate is Gaganic please give Kenji tomorrow your vote.

Imperial Austrian Party">

The next party where is a croatian guy is Neue Oesterreichische Allianz with candidate kiki and mocoman14 few people say that kiki is a agant few people say that mocoman is a agant Vote for that man you mean is right

Neue Österreichische Allianz">

The British National Party is going to be TO by PrinceofAustria and Agent022 please vote for PrinceofAustria because he is a Austrian Candidate Prince doesn't want to pay 40 gold for a new party that is the reason to take this party here is the the picture.

The British National Party">

Next one is the Party from Alfred Ball National Front Austria the party is also going to be Take over from 64.Plz please vote for Alfred Ball.

Nationale Front Austria">

And at last the Pro Patria Österreich it is my party that is going TO by General x also a Croatian spy please vote tomorrow for me.

Pro Patria Österreich">


I am sure that every where has seen that we become a new Hospital from Omni Corp (The article) it would be put in Styria the reasons for this decision is that Rangeley said it is save to put in Styria because everyone that one attack Austria can go to a other region not Styria . Dear Rangeley you have not seen that Burgenland is attacked from Hungary and they only need to say we are in war with them and than they can destroy the Hospital. I am also not so enthused that Omni Corp has paid the Hospital please read the article from Bobby Sauron in the next time we would se what is the tribute for this Hospital.

Next thing i am not enthused with the work from some Govermant member i would say no names but i dont mean Prince of Austria he is a good guy and working a lot here in Austria thanks PrinceofAustria. I am disappointed that only a few people have Commented my article about the Baby Boom you will more read in the next sentences.">

3. Voralberg

As we can see in Germany started a RW to give us back Voralberg , the RW was sell on a auction in Germany thats a good start for the Austrian - German Friendship after we become back the regions we would sign a mpp with Germany. Here is the official article from the BPD Bundes Presse Dienst (Regions and Hospital) I hope that Slovenian are also going to give us back our regions in the next time

Hail Germany
Hail Austria">

4. Baby Boom

4th and last point in my article today is the Baby Boom i would copy the code from my last article dont stop invite all your friends to Facebook i am dissapointed because nobody says yeah thats a good idea help djani invite your friends i know few from you think that i only want to become invites treasure and other things okay i would say it so i would put every second day another link to the group that everybody can become few people on his acount and become Social builder. Please support this project Invite all your friends it is good for Austria.

last two days more than 40 people come to Austria i have to all sent private mails and contact them because i want that more and more Austrian come to the game i have I'm sick of these Foreign people that mean that they are gods in Austria and can do whatever they want.">

So repeat from my last text please read it do the points and vote the text.

In the last days i am working hard to become ideas about the new Baby Boom.
I have last time in the newspaper read that more than 1 million people in Austria use Facebook, and than i become the idea that Facebook is the perfect media to enlarge story about erepublik and eAustria. First i will say that i will give from every man that register to erepublik over my Link and come to Lvl 6 i would pay 2 gold to the ACB. I have maked a fan page with the name eÖsterreich das stärkste Land in der Welt what mean eAustria the strenghest Land in the World.

Now i need from our existing Austrian people only one MINUT and your Facebook Profil not more !!!">

1. Go to the following Fan page
2. Klick on "become Fan".
3. Klick now on "suggest to Friends".
4. Now when the list ist open you should copy the following link in the adress bar where you writte the link from a web page like etc..:

javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){[fid]);}}

it looks like them :

5. Now Klick on enter

6. After all friends are marked blue klick on "send invitations"">

With this method you have invited all friends to become fan of eÖsterreich das stärkste Land in der Welt. I would there often send invitations Link to Erepublik and hope that a lot of people would come to the game and help us to become Austria bigger and bigger. I would from every player that come to the level 6 donate to ACB 2 Gold. and from every Medal 3 Gold.

I will not to become only a vote i need the people that would invite people to the game if you not wanna help me than dont give me a vote. I hope the project would success.

I think that this is not a problem for everybody to do the six steps, the time is come to make a action like this.
Come guy's lets go to facebook invite our friends and help eAustria ...!!!

P.S. it would be good that every body read about erepublik anything on the fanpage but dont spam only with our refferal links.">

Sincerely ,
Djani Ujkan Marich">

My last articles:
Pro Patria Österreich Partei
Next presidental Elections

Djani for President 5.4.2010
I am not a PTO
Ein paar Überlegungen / Think about it
Anti TO Congressial Elections 25.4.2010

Its Time to prepare a realy Baby Boom">

My prepared Tutorials

eAustria Starterguide for new players
Forum and Chat channel in the World">

My opinion today" width="1200" height="800" />">">