Australian Damage Count: Week Ending 2,834

Day 2,835, 07:47 Published in Australia Peru by Bank of Rusty D

Greetings eAustralia,

This is the second episode of Australian MU Damage. I have dropped the MU member numbers, but have given an uneducated wrap up of damage and kills.

As before this is still a work in progress, so fine tuning is still happening.

Note: This is inspired by Janty F articles on NEBULA and CZ military unit damage (some can be foun😛 here, I thought I would try and do the same for eAustralia.

I must warn you, while I have tried to make the data 100% correct, some errors may be there. Also I will over the next few weeks try and iron out any issues and include more data in a better visual way.

Military Unit Damage Count

Wrap Up

The KnightHawks is still leading the damage charts, with The Black Hawks still second. However from that point there has been some major movement.

Cowboys From Hell has moved into 3rd position which means S.Q.U.A.D. and Royal Australian Regiment have dropped down.

Military Unit Kill Count

Any advice or suggestions, will be greatly appreciated and I will try and incorporate what I can into the coming weeks articles.

Rusty D
Loyal ex-citizen of eAust.
Commander in Chief Cowboys From Hell

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