Austral-American Mutual Protection Pact

Day 2,952, 10:09 Published in Canada Canada by ColinAndrage

The USA Dictatorship has approved the renewal of the Australian Mutual Protection Pact with a single vote, just a few days before Australia also renewed its Mutual Protection Pact with Canada. It's important to have our friends making friends with our old friends in a new world, considering how often war takes place between old friends. Australia will be a useful friend for USA, despite being so far away from them and us. It's also very important for Australia's survival, since foreigners creep closer and closer to their shores and might see Australia as a place for refugees. This Mutual Protection Pact and detention camps on Christmas Island (‘tis the season) decrease the chance from that thing from ever happening to Australia, and increases our chances of learning how to detain our Albanian Visitors somewhere offshore near the Atlantic Provinces. GooseNews says good luck for continuing friendly relations between Australia and Canada and USA.