Anti-Fascist Movement

Day 1,599, 17:30 Published in Sweden Australia by Septimius Maximinus

I'm glad to report that alot of people did report these parties for racism, but bad news strikes Iran. The National Socialist Party is in control of Iran.

I propose that, under my leadership and a few others of course, that we set up an Anti-Fascist movement in countries that have Fascist or National Socialist parties. What we do is we contact local parties that oppose these parties and set up the movement that way. I will personally donate weapons and money to fund the Anti-Fascist movements in other countries as we all know what damage fascists can do.

Please comrades support this idea and let's transform it into a movement to fight corrupt evil in this eWorld.

Thanks for reading comrades

From the desk of

General Theo

Anti-Fascist movement - General Secretary