An Interview With BattalGazi

Day 822, 03:20 Published in Serbia USA by Deja-Vu

This interview I was supposed to publish before, but I had problems with connection to the net. I hope that you will not blame me for publishing it now.

I think that I do not need to further represent him. He is already well known to everyone. The ex president, a warrior, a journalist .... When you think of Pheonix, you can not not think on him.
BattalGazi Thanks for your patience and reply to these questions.

1.Can you tell us who is a person that is behind BattalGazi nick?

Hm, my real name is Onur, I am from Turkey iRL,I am also 18 yo and studying economy 🙂

2.For how long are you playing eRepublik and tell us your first steps in this game?

Almost 2 years.When I was a newbie, I was interested in politics, but later i got bored from it and started to fight.

3.How was the game at the first sight?

It was cool, its concept, community and so on, and its still good, but sometimes I miss old days, smaller community, but closer relations.

4.Did someone help you out to understand this game?

One of my RL friend invited me there, and explained the game.Later he quitted, but I am still here.

5.You were a president for servial times.How did you feel when you were president, how much time were you spending online?

Well, it was boring for me, I was stucked in Turkey, and couldnt join any battles 🙁 and around 3-4 hours per a day.

6.Have you made any promises to the population and did You keep your promises?

When I was president, there wasnt national goals feature.
But I promised them better economy after than goon PTO, and I kept it, I also deleted Greece and hold all of Turkish lands (Israel and Greece included) in my terms.

7.You have got a permanent ban. That was not a nice period for you and your fans. I say fans becasue there was a lot of people that gave you support in this.
Why have you got banned, give us some details,sure if you want.

Yeah, it is nice to get support from a lot of people who love me, and I dont want to talk much about my ban 🙂

8.How did you feel during that time? Did you have hope that you will prove your inocence?

I was shocked at first, but later I got unbanned as I was expecting.
Yeah, I was sure of myself.

9.You probably have got a 100s ingame messages. And you ansvered every single message?Every single friednship request?

Yes, one by one 🙂

10.What is your plans now, after everythig is behind you?

I dont have any personally plan, but I have lot of things to do in Phoenix.

11.What is the most value thing in the game in your opinion, after everything was happen?

hm, nothing in fact.So lets try to have fun 😃

12.Can you tell us somethnig about eden and pheonix, how you see things?About their economy and army streinght?

Well, this fight will never end 🙂
as long as we play erep 😃
USA gets big amount of money, thanks to their population, high taxes, free offers etc.
Same goes for some other big countries.But I personally think free offers must be removed permanently, since every countries cant get benefit from it, and it brokes eRepublik's main equality law.

13.Can you give an advice for new players on eRepublik?

They should be more active in community, or else 2 clicking is boring.