Amsterdam Crash, honoring the deceased, BattalGazi's Uncle

Day 465, 13:15 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

A crash occured flying from Turkey in a passenger jet carrying 135 people, including 4 american dead and 5 Turkish dead. The pilot is also the Uncle of the well known BattalGazi, MoFa of Turkey, and friend of mine.

here are two articles about it.

BattalGazi's uncle was a war veteran and fighter pilot in a war versus Greece. He was, according to a Turkish source, one of the best pilots and pilot teacher's that Turkey had.

"he was one of the best pilots in Turkey,was a teacher actually... he was in the militiary first as a F-4E Phantom pilot"-from the Turkish chat-room.

Though BattalGazi comes from a different nation and some may side of the world, he is a well known and well liked player that everyone can find some respect for. We wish you well in your travels for the funeral, Battal, and hope that the memory of your uncle is honored and remembered.

Silly differences within a game do not stop us from sympathizing with your loss. You are a great player, and have my condolonces and the condolonces of all from the eUSA.