All for my wonderful Ukraine =)

Day 1,585, 07:38 Published in Ukraine Ireland by Genxis

Dear citiens 🙂

I´m back 🙂 There are news? Yes, there are...

How I can start?? 😛 Uhmmm

First of all, I want say you something... Today I have a new medal... and you can say: So?
For me is a really important medal... is mercenary medal, and is so difficult win it when you aren´t high level with 900 maxhit 😛

In this last month, I have had much luck, because now I am captain in my MU 😛 ( So important for me )

And I´m starting to have subscribers in my newspaper 😁

Before TaranUA acept my CS for be eUkranian... peoples through I wasn´t a good person for be in Ukraine... and I will show you some photo 🙂

In two days, for Ukraine 🙂

I don´t want stop here with my luck... and I want be in congress... for make this country a better site for live, work and fight 🙂

I wait for your vote in Siveria 😁

And there are countries and peoples who think Ukraine isn´t really hard for win in wars... I want say to that guys something: We have win a lot of times to Poland and more than 27 allies 🙂 Problem?

I just want say two things 😛

The first one, I want say all I have won is for my friend Tara Salahi 🙂
I don´t know her in rL but she is famous at the moment for something important for womens around the world!! Lets go Tara!! We can!! We are together!

And the second one is..!!


Vote me this article for TOP 1 in Local and vote me for congress 😛