Acronyms of eRepublik

Day 1,580, 23:29 Published in USA USA by Blank Keating

Herein lies a catalog of common acronyms (and some abbreviations) of things in the eUS and eRepublik. eRepublik is a game that has a high amount of repetition and out-of-game contact, so naturally there is a huge amount of acronyms and shorthand phrases for people, places, and things. This is meant to be a resource for new players that may stumble upon the forums or IRC and think they're reading a different language.

BH - Battle Hero (most damage in a round of a battle)
CC - Country Currency (USD, in our case)
CH - Campaign Hero (most damages across all rounds of a battle)
CP - Country President
HW - Hard Worker Medal (work for 30 days straight)
MM - Media Mogul (earn 1,000 subscribers to a newspaper)
MM - Mercenary Medal
MM - Monetary Market
MM - Mass Messaging (sending form letter messages to all citizens)
MU - Military Unit
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact, an alliance between countries
NE - Natural Enemy, a free war that Congress declares
PM - Private Message
RH - Resistance Hero (start a RW, see below)
RM - Raw Material, the FRM and WRM items
RW - Resistance War, a one-on-one battle for an occupied territory
SB - Society Builder (invite 10 people)
Subs - Subscriptions to a newspaper
SS - Super Soldier Medal (earn 250 strength)

ATO - Anti-Take Over, see "PTO" below
CO - Commanding Officer, usually in a military unit
INCI - INCI, a group of Turkish citizens who migrated to the US last year
MoFA - Minister of Foreign Affairs, equivalent to our DoS (see below)
NAP - Non-Aggression Pact, an informal ceasefire in a war
PTO - Political Take Over, when a group of people organize to elect someone who is not a normal member of the party, group, or country
XO - Executive Officer, second in command in a military unit

PotUS - President of the United States
VP - Vice President (2nd in command, takes over if the PotUS is away)
CoS - Chief of Staff (3rd in command, over the departments)
DoD - Department of Defense (war funding)
DoI - Department of Interior (new player outreach)
DoE - Department of Education (outreach and mentorship)
DoS - Department of State (foreign affairs)
DoM - Department of Media (information dissemination)
So* - All Departments have a Secretary that runs them

CBO - Congressional Budget Office, Congressional service to distribute funds
EC - Economic Council, advisory committee on economic advancement
IES - Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee, Congressional service to distribute citizenship passes
NSC - National Security Council, advisory committee on military advancement
OMS - Office of Militia Support, Congressional service to fund military units
SoH - Speaker of the House, leader of Congress
USAF - United States Armed Forces, official MU of the United States
WHPR - White House Press Release, a newspaper by the DoM

USWP - The United States Workers Party, the current majority party
Feds - The Federalist Party, the current presidential party
AMP - The American Military Party, a major party
iNCi - INCI's party (currently South Carolina Ulku Ocaklari), a minor party
SFP - Socialist Freedom Party, a minor party
SEES - Specialized Elite Execution Squad, a historic party
UIP - United Independents Party, a historic party

CG - Chickensguys, world-renowned comedian and rainmaker
HA - Henry Arundel (Pfeiffer), an infamous politician
PiZ - PigInZen, the forum administrator
PTH - Pizza the Hut, a common PTOer and pretender to thrones

TERRA - TERRA, the US' current alliance
EDEN - eRepublik Defense and Economic Network, a friendly alliance to TERRA
GEA - Garden of the EDEN Alliance, a training alliance for EDEN prospect nations
ONE - Order of the New eWorld, the US' primary adversary
EPIC - eRepublik Partnership of Interdependent Countries, one of TERRA's adversaries
ABC - Alliance of Baltic Countries, one of TERRA's adversaries

Thanks to the forum which helped me get a few that I missed.

Until next time,