A idea.

Day 1,129, 10:58 Published in Czech Republic United Kingdom by Rathena Gelc

Hi everyone,sorry for bothering you and writing two articles in two hours but I have a idea.

We could make a e-CR Congress chat where Congresswomans and Congressmans can debate about proposals and that those congress people debates are not on newspapers like they used to be.
This would shorten the proposal debating and debates would be like in RL.

I'm going to make that chat room and of course,ask President is that a good idea which I think it is.
If he says yes,then the chat room will be running when this Congress elections are over.

Thanks for reading.Please vote and sub!Thx! 😉 😉

P.S. I got President's permission.Congress chat is formed! 😉

http://02.chat.mibbit.com/ Just type your nick and channel is: #e-Czech Congress