Day 2,495, 01:08 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Live Sharp Look Smart


Almighty Dio, Favor my bold undertakings

Honoring the 33rd issue of Player's Quarterly, we break away, only briefly, from the tragic but True Story of Pa Q on orders to celebrate this solemn and auspicious occasion.

Considering that this day marks not only the 33rd edition of PQ, but also the long-awaited letting-go of the brotherly hand of Albion, who no longer needs the strength and wisdom of our ancient embrace...

...it seems doubly-right to exemplify this occasion with a couple of words, like for example:

And also, perhaps, as a reward for your loyalty and patience, we should have a bit of a sexy romp through the rougher bits of the Philosophy of Gaming...


HUMAN GAMING, that calamitous mind-crab, in one sphere of her self-recognition, must necessarily ponder on unanswerable questions which she cannot decline, as they are presented by her own nature, yet transcend every faculty of the player-mind.

Under the administration of the vulgar-mechanical dogmatists, her play-meta-government was an absolute despotism. But, as the Sofiaistical Creator prolonged and even increased trace elements of the ancient e-barbarism, the empire of mechanism decayed, and intestine wars were then soothed by the gentle rain of e-anarchy; all the while the skeptics, like nomadic military units who hate any permanent habitation and settled mode of e-living, attacked from time to time those who had organized themselves into civil e-communities, like barking dogs lunging after a particularly troublesome squirrel.

In recent times the hope dawned upon us of seeing such disputes settled, and the legitimacy of mechanist claims established by a kind of zoology of the gaming understanding -- that of the celebrated Pfluffers. But it was found that this so-called queen of the realm could not refer her descent to any higher source than that of common e-experience, a circumstance which necessarily brought suspicion on her claims as this meta-gameology was axiomatically incorrect, yet she persisted in the advancement of her claims to sovereignty.


The pure conceptions of understanding of pure gaming apply to objects of intuition through understanding alone, whether the intuition be our own or someone else's, provided only that they be sensuous -- (not sensual you pervs, sensuous: can be sensed by a player through direct experience of the screen, keyboard and mouse) -- but are, for this very reason, mere forms of thought, by means of which no determinate game-paradigm can be thunk.

The synthesis of the multiplicity in these conceptions relates, obviously, only to the unity of perceptions, and is for this reason the ground of the possibility of deducing from general principles a Game Thought, in so far as it is dependent on the understanding.

This is more than a transcendental synthesis, but also purely intellectual. Because a certain sensuous intuition exists in the player-mind having been deduced from general principles which rests on the receptivity of the senses, the understanding, as a spontaneity, is able to determine the internal sense by means of the diversity of given representations, conformably to the synthetical unity of multiple doors of perception, and thus to cogitate the synthetical unity of those perceptions from principle, as the condition to which much necessarily be submitted all objects of player intuition.

In this manner the gaming categories as mere forms of thought receive objective reality, which is to say, application to r-objects which are given to us in intuition, but that only as phenomena perceived as Realness beyond the screen, the mouse and the keyboard, for it is only of such phenomena that we -- as humans -- are capable of intuition from general principles.


In the meta-gaming deductions, the architectonic origin of gaming categories according to principle was proved by their complete accordance with the general logic of e-thought; in the transcendental deduction (read thru all the back issues of Player's Quarterly, Roar of the Lion and Spectacular Times for additional clews) is exhibited the possibility of the gaming categories as principle-driven cognitions of objects of an intuition in general.

Therefore is unity of the synthesis of the manifold games without or within us, consequently also a conjunction to which all of that is to be represented as determined in space or time must correspond, given rationally along with (not in) these intuitions, as the condition of the synthesis of all apprehensions of them.

This synthetical unity can be no other than that of the conjunction of the manifold games of a given intuition in general, in a primitive act of consciousness, according to the categories, but applied to our sensuous intuition.

As gaming experience is cognition by means of conjoined perceptions, the gaming categories are conditions of the possibility of experience and are therefore valid core principles for all objects of experience.


The transcendental idea of a necessary and all-sufficient Player-Being is so immeasurably great, so high above all that is merely mechano-empirical, which is always conditioned, that one hopes in vain to find materials in the sphere of experience sufficiently ample for our conception, and in vain seek the unconditioned among things that are conditioned, while true guidance, nay even any interesting examples are denied us by the laws of vulgar-empirical synthesis.

The attainment of absolute game-knowledge totality is completely impossible on the well-worn path of mechano-empiricism. And yet this path is pursued again and again by the physicians of e-theological argumentation. After elevating ourselves to admiration of the magnitude of the power, wisdom and other attributes of the authors of the e-world, and finding we can advance no further, we leave the argument its provisions, and proceed to infer the contingency of the e-world from the order and conformity to aims that are observable in it.

From this contingency we infer, by the help of transcendental conceptions alone, the existence of something absolutely necessary; and, ever advancing, proceed to the conception of all-embracing reality.

The physico-theological, failing in its gaming understanding, recurs in its embarrassment to the cosmological argument; and, as this is merely the ontological discussion in disguise, it executes its design solely by the aid of pure thought, although it at first professed to have no connection with this faculty and to base its entire procedure upon experience alone.

The theologians of the e-physical, our dear game-mechanists, have therefore no reason to regard with contempt the transcendental mode of game play, or to look down upon it, with the conceit of clear-sighted observers of e-nature, as the brain cob-web of obscure speculatists. If they merely reflect upon and examine their own mentations, they will find that they suddenly leave the well-trod path and pass into the region of pure possibility, where they hope to reach upon the wings of ideas what had eluded all their pragmatic investigations.

====================================== 33 =====================================

Thank you for playing! Since you have gotten this far, here is a joke for you. It is an oldie-but-goodie:

A worker from the German Democratic Republic gets a job in Soviet Siberia; aware of how all mail will be read by censors, he tells his friends: “Let’s establish a code: if a letter you will get from me is written in ordinary blue ink, it is true; if it is written in red ink, it is false.” After a month, his friends get the first letter, written in blue ink: “Everything is wonderful here: stores are full, food is abundant, apartments are large and properly heated, movie theaters show films from the West, there are many beautiful girls ready for an affair — the only thing unavailable is red ink.”