A Call For Federalist Party Congressional Delegates !!

Day 1,237, 11:40 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist
Federalist Promotion Video!

What does being a Federalist mean?

Like its real life historical counterparts, the Federalist members are committed to a fiscally sound and nationalistic government while ensuring personal liberties of all patriotic eUS citizens is not infringed upon. As members, congressmen, soldiers, leaders in business, and in service of the executive branch we strive to serve eMerica first; which means we serve to benefit the citizens of eUS before ourselves. We are committed to the development and education of newer players by helping others understand the confines of the game mechanics and retaining them as future leaders of not only within the party but on a national level.

Our core values are integrity and a strong desire to help the party succeed and grow. This draw criticism from those who only serve to edify and glorify themselves. This is understandable given the underlying nature of the game, some of the popular cult personalities it has produced, and the fact that the party has not churned out many national Presidents. Our pride does not lay in such fleeting ambitions. Rather we focus on the building and supporting each other through our core principal:

Our most core principle is that the party exists for the nation.
Second, we as citizens exist for both.

And through our party cree😛

As Federalists:

We believe that our country comes before our party, and our party comes before ourselves. A Federalist will place the nation's interest above their own.

We believe that a person's work ethic and ability should be the primary factor in consideration for party positions and congressional candidates. A Federalist believes in giving players an opportunity to serve based on their merits and not how long they have played the game.

We believe in honesty and transparency, whenever possible the Federalist Party will decide business in public venues. A Federalist will not lie and if a mistake is made will openly come forward and admit it.

We believe in a higher moral calling, and as a party we will strive to do what is right and not what everyone else is doing. A Federalist does not cheat or steal, and plays the game as it is meant to be played. If trusted with a national or party leadership position a Federalist will discharge their office with impeccable moral character.

We believe in continuing education, party members will strive to educate themselves to be the best citizen they can be. A Federalist will work to share their knowledge of the military, political and economic modules with other party members to help them excel.

We believe in diversity of ideas, as a party we may not always agree on issues, but we will be respectful of each others opinions and debate issues based on the merits of the cause. A Federalist will maintain a civil dialogue even when they disagree with someone.

We remember this is a game, with the objective to have fun, whether you play for 15 minutes or fifteen hours, a Federalist will remember that real life comes first and not to take anything too seriously.

We are Proud and Horny to be Federalist and Americans.

Congressional Endorsement

If the above information resonates within you and you have been an active member of the Federalist Party for at least 30 days, then we want and need you. Click on the image below.

Being a Federal endorsed candidate is a great honor that requires active servitude towards the citizens and party members for which you represent. If you are up to the challenge and are selected as a congressional candidate, then you will earn the below endorsement. Good Luck!