[WWT | ENG] December freedom...

Day 1,096, 16:23 Published in Belarus Belarus by Green4x

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The foliage on the trees has already faded and only the black branches closed the Berlin sky in November. Obeying the will of freedom, thousands of citizens rushed to the West, and the process went out of control. The meaning was lost among the concrete barriers and checkpoints. The masterpiece of German classicism, which was built by Carl Langhans, soon would become a symbol of new Berlin as well as debris of the broken concrete with marks of graffiti.

Inconspicuous weather in August seemed to breathe in the heart of every citizen of this city. It became clear already at the end of May - the spring would receive a new name in honor of the capital. The events were a cause for panic. A sense of inevitable tragedy was coming from the days in May. May became the voice of freedom, and August became the catastrophe for freedom. No one in the city services were thinking about the restoration of damaged roads with tracked patterns. In those days, employees with the other citizens were at a walkout. There was a bubbling ocean of tanks and people, the roar of engines and screams of the crowd, the sounds of shots and breaking glass, noise of crumbling buildings and the tramp of running people. The illusive hope of freedom was blown to the west with the spring wind.

The summer was filled with radio signals in the besieged capital. Voices in different languages broadcasted the beginning of the battle for freedom. The army was supposed to break the edge of a formidable force that held their country and the city. Radio waves from the east carried the words of support and freedom, and resonated deeply in the soldiers’ hearts. They flashed with bright scarlet flames of August, illuminated by the cannonade above the horizon - yellow and red. In the silence, a whisper of a freedom was born, blazed by the east of the city. The fire, marched to the west, burnt the scores of liberty, fused its music deep into people's hearts for nearly 45 years.

Freedom was forged in the furnace of dictates. It was burnt out by the invaders with the stamps on a losers' torso. The mind was sick with freedom. But look - those who got freedom, than become a new dictators! They chained people! They forgot their burns of freedom still hurt. They know the cruelty of the invaders and they were taught by the history, but they repeat its mistakes over and over again.

I beg you - just remember the History ... Let the voice of Belarus to sing about freedom! You've heard these songs in your country? So listen to us! I know you wasn’t in Minsk so can’t appreciate its beauty. Well look the city, listen its rhythm and free it from your so-called “protectorate” (because you throttle belarusians):

*The next allusions were use😛
- November 1989 Berlin (the falling of Berlin wall);
- August 1968 Prague (“Prague Spring”);
- August 1944 Warszawa (Warsaw Uprising).

**warning for moderators:
The content of the article is directly caused by eRepublik events of eBelarus PTO.