[VM71] er ... what goes here?

Day 2,411, 02:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

Good morning (or afternoon or evening, depending on what time it is).

I'll be honest with you from the outset: I've set this newspaper up by accident. Well, not completely by accident - I wasn't trying to fight Argentina in Wales and somehow managed to start up a newspaper instead - but I was just messing about and ending up setting this thing up without really reading the screen. Schoolboy error.

Now it's here I may as well use it.

I've been playing eRepublik for a month, so that poses a problem - I've got very little to say. However, in the best traditions of the UK press, I'm not going to let something as piffling as this stop me. So I've come up with a plan...

Catalogue the stuff I'm learning, as I go along.

That's not much of a tagline, I know. And there are several really good guides and tutorials out there already, which are guaranteed to be more informative, complete and factually correct than anything I do here. I know this too. However, this newspaper isn't trying to be the best, the most complete, the most accurate, or even the most helpful. All I want to do is share the little bits of information I pick up as I go along - the bits that that are really handy to know at the time, and that aren't necessarily in the mainstream guides (or if they are, they're buried).

Given that I'm a month in to eRepublik, if you're happening to read this shortly after starting, I'm about four weeks ahead of you. So hopefully this stuff will be relevant pretty soon. If not, then bleh ... go start your own sodding paper.

Anyway, that'll do for now. Watch this space for forthcoming hints and tips that are guaranteed* to rock your world.

Until next time, goodnight.

*this is a false guarantee - if these tips don't rock your world that's your problem, not mine. Now move along.