[USWP] Dinnyin for Party President - Not My Party, Our Party

Day 2,914, 09:31 Published in USA USA by Dinnyin

12 November 2015 (Day 2,914 of the New World)
Mood Music: No Man is an Island

Greetings my fellow Workers! I come to you today to announce my bid for the office of Party President for the month of November.

As you are listening to the mood music I have provided, I would like you to think about what YOU want from YOUR party. This party does not belong to me, it does not belong to ANYONE who would oppose me. It belongs to YOU! The heart and soul of this party, what makes us the force that we are in this game, is YOU.

No man is an island. It takes all of us, working together, to make this party and this country GREAT!

My primary goals for this term would be:

1. Increasing our Party's reach - We need to add to the ranks, no question about it.

2. Engaging Each of You on Your Terms - As YOU are the heart and soul of this party, it is up to ME to listen to what YOU want our goals to be.

3. More Activity in Congressionals - USWP needs to regain our strong presence in Congress. We got a boost last month from AMP after we tried to get them back into the Top 5. We cannot count on that every month. We need more candidates. We need GOOD candidates that the people can rally behind.

This is OUR party, and it is time to take it back! Join with me in making this a reality.

