[UKGov]Business news

Day 1,145, 09:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

Daily Food Watch of the MoT

On Day 1,145 of the New World the food prices in the eUK are as follow:

Q1 Food 0.72 GBP
Q2 Food 1.33 GBP
Q3 Food 2.59 GBP
Q4 Food 3.05 GBP
Q5 Food 4.19 GBP

Because food is used to get you’re wellness up you need to buy the food that gives you the most wellness for the least GBP. At the moment the best food to buy is the Q2 food.

Q1 0,355 GBP/Wellness
Q2 0,3475 GBP/Wellness
Q3 0,403 GBP/Wellness
Q4 0,412 GBP/Wellness
Q5 0,436 GBP/Wellness

Export advice

If you want to create real money you need to export. If you need advice you can contact this org and we will try to advice you as good as possible.

Drop in wages

At the moment the wages are down a lot especialy for the higher skill players. Don't panic, food prices are down slightly so you will not starve to death.

Drop in grain price

Down to 0.08 GBP/Unit, this is a good thing. We can expect foodprices to go down in the near future withouth the risk to lose money. Grain companies can attract new workers with lower wage to counter the lower prices. So yes we have a little bit of deflation at the moment but don't worry about it boys we have it under control!