[TUP] Next CP election

Day 2,414, 06:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

This month has been a bad one for TUP.

BigAnt TPO'd the party by shipping in a bunch of new people - many from eSerbia -and got himself elected as PP as a result. Since then he's done nothing at all for the party. Have you heard a single communication from him discussing party business? No.

What he has done is rig the TUP congress candidates list, so that the people he shipped in to vote for him as PP are now TUP's Congress representatives! He's also lied about candidates for the next PP. While he told us that he would send a message to every party member inviting them to stand as the next PP, it turns out that he deliberately excluded certain people who he KNEW were interested in running, thereby preventing them from doing so. Want proof? Here you go...

This party stands on a platform of fairness and democracy, and BigAnt is corrupting that in the most sinister way. And we shouldn't be surprised - did any genuine TUP member expect him to act differently? I doubt it.

So, that leaves us as a party in a quandary. BigAnt has put himself forward for CP in the election in four days time (do you remember him asking us about this? No, of course not). As the official TUP candidate ordinarily we would be duty-bound to vote for him. However, this is not ordinary situation, and I'm proposing that we - as a party - do what can to prevent BigAnt being elected in our party's name. That means voting for somebody else.

There are two other candidates for CP:

Rodney McKay of ESO

Proj J Moriarty of The Real Spamicans

I would like to propose that, for want of a better mechanism - every party member uses the comments on this article to state the following:

1. should we vote for BigAnt as our official CP candidate or not?

2. if not, who should we throw our weight behind?