[TUP] National Manifesto / Congress

Day 1,799, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

Hi everyone,

Since congress elections are no longer based around individuals and you instead vote for the party you believe will best represent you; we at TUP have put our heads together and come up with a national manifesto. I’ll also give you a little info. on each of our candidates so that you can see who will be representing you when you vote for TUP.

As promised in my manifesto and subsequent articles/messages, we are giving newer, active members our highest priority. We want to encourage the next generation of congressmen, ministers and leaders to advance and take the opportunities available to them.

When you vote for TUP, you vote for a party that takes its responsibility seriously. As a party, we have shown over a period of years that we can be relied upon and trusted to do what is right for eUK. Our congressmen are made aware of their responsibilities to the nation and will ensure that they make valuable contributions.

But enough about what you should already know about us. We also hold a party conference and encourage contributions from all members regarding policy. I shall detail some of our views, so that you have an even better idea of what you’re likely to see from us in the current period. There are more points and more detail for members to see on our forums but for the purposes of this article, I shall attempt to summarise.


We strongly believe that our borders must be protected from those that would seek to takeover our country. The current citizenship rules (voted in by congress) do this job very well, so long as they are followed by all parties.

Some other parties insist that their congressmen will make decisions regarding citizenship themselves. Whilst in some cases this isn’t a problem, there are many cases where they simply don’t have the knowledge or contacts to determine the applicants intentions or history. This is very dangerous, especially for a country the size of UK. You only need to look at what’s happened to a much larger nation in USA to see what problems can occur. Rather than going on about this further, I’d encourage anyone who wants more info to take a read of this article written by Thomas 765.

Foreign Affairs/Alliance Politics

The world is in a time of changing and unstable alliance politics. TUP have many players with a great deal of experience in foreign affairs and alliance leadership. We are in contact with people from all over the world in each and every different alliance. We have a thorough understanding of the relationships between countries and the complexities which they face.

eUK has built strong relationships over the years and TUP at this time feel that we are best served by remaining loyal to our existing allies. We do not wish to blindly rush into a new alliance, especially if it alienates our existing friends and allies. We will continue to evaluate the situation as it develops and maintain our links with our friends. Diplomatic efforts are no less important than military activity and we will look for diplomatic arrangements as well as military ones to help ensure the security of our nation for the long term.


We quite simply want the nation to do as much damage as we are able to, both for ourselves and our allies. We’re glad to see a national military unit back in action and feel this will help boost the damage figures further. We encourage pro-active recruitment to the national military.

We also continue to operate TUP Family, a military unit which is open to all. It’s a relatively relaxed but effective unit which is currently contributing the most damage of any unit in the UK. We are pro-choice when it comes to military units. We believe that people should whichever unit they think is best for them and they won’t be hassled by us to join TUP Family.


We believe the eUK forums are an essential tool for community interaction, organisation and discussion at all levels and on a wide variety of subjects/interests.


TUP encourage all our members to get involved with the party and government. We actively mentor and assist any members who are active and we are always trying to bring through more future congressmen, ministers and potential leaders.

Our Country Presidents have proven time and time again that we believe in selecting the best people for a job, regardless of political orientation. We put eUK first and want the very best for each department, whilst also encouraging less experienced players to gain the necessary experience to take on these roles themselves in the future.


We believe in responsible taxation. As a country, we need enough income to cover our MPP costs and to save funds for times of war. Over the last two terms, TUP governments have brought in a method of playing the financial markets which has already doubled the nations income. Whilst income is still at a historically low level due to the awful economics in the current game, it has provided us with the ability to maintain our MPPs and restart national military strikes. We must maintain MPPs with our allies. It not only provides us with valuable damage for any battles but is also essential for maintaining friendships.

Parties promising a tax rate of 1% whilst also promising increased investment in the military and other areas are quite simply making promises which they can’t keep.

And now onto our official congress candidates for the month…..

1) Bohemond4

An extremely promising new player who has become involved in the party right from the start of his e-life. We think he has the ability to do great things and is therefore worthy having top priority in congress elections. Congratulations on your guaranteed election Bohemond4

2) The Equalist

Another relatively new player. A quiet character but very much going about things in the right way and is one who wanted to learn the game in more detail before committing to run for congress. You only need to take a look at his newspaper to see that he’s ready for congress.

3) alittlec4

Has been around for a while but has decided to get more involved with the party. TUP and TUP Family members will know him well from his contributions in our game feeds. Glad to have him running at last.

4) Boer Charel

A new member to TUP, having recently made the switch from ESO. He has 3 previous congress terms under his belt and has taken on an important role in TUP Family. A very active citizen and an asset to our team.

5) Danie Fox

Danie is a master of playing the game in-game. Sure he reads the forums and makes some contributions but he spends most of his time in game. He’s one of very few people who can spend the majority of their time in-game and still know what’s happening around the world. Even when he doesn’t have the info, he’s often among the first to figure out what’s going on and bring it to people’s attention.

6) Sigfred Zachariesen

A real-life Dane and a thoroughly nice chap. Sigfred has 2 previous congress medals from previous terms with TUP and he’s looking to have another bash at it. Glad to have you back in the running Sigfred.

7) Kravenn

Real life Belgian, long time eUKer. Former Country President of eUK and many time Minister of Foreign Affairs. Kravenn has made great contributions to eUK which also include his award winning new player tutorial. Going for his 33rd term in congress!

8 ) Niemand

The fantastic Commander of TUP Family. A man that never seems to sleep and one of the few people I know in the game who are unfortunate enough to actually be older than me in real life. Running for only his 5th term in congress.

9) Jimbojoy

Likes to think he’s active. Somehow already has 12 congress medals. He does get involved in discussions though and attends votes. He’s even been known to do the odd podcast with Mr Woldy.

10) nebojsa.petrovic

5 time TUP Party President and 5 time congressman. A real life Serb but TUP has been his home for quite some time now.

11) Lucky2796

Another real life Serb who’s really keen to earn his first congress medal. Let’s hope his name serves him well and he’s lucky enough to be elected.

12) Apotygma

A previously big contributor returning to full activity and running for his 15th congress term. I hope we have enough voters for him to be elected again.

13) cenodekaMKD

A real life Macedonian and in game God of War who’s been in TUP for a while. He really wants to be elected and I hope he gets a well deserved chance to represent us in congress.

14) Thomas765

Former eUK Country President and Military Commander of ONE. Thomas has just returned from a stint in the USA, so I’ve stuck him near the bottom of our priorities as punishment.

15) Mr Woldy

It’s only the King of eUK, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Jamaica and Ireland! Being the gracious majesty that he is, King Woldy has volunteered to sit right near the bottom of our priorities so that lesser mortals may be elected.

16) Patrick Crosby

Patrick followed the correct procedure and registered on our forums to run for congress. He's a staunch liberal humanist as you can see from his newspaper. Let’s hope he gets in and shows us what he can do.

17) Dan Moir

That’s me. I’m just here in case the incredibly unlikely outcome of 17 seats for TUP occurs.

And that’s your lot. A very capable team of candidates, all of which have agreed to follow the UK legislation regarding citizenship and voting procedures.

If you want active, reliable and trustworthy congressmen, you’ll not be disappointed with voting for TUP.

The Unity Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few; where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe and where we live together freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

Taken from the TUP Constitution

Want to be a part of an active and highly competent party? Join TUP today!