[Top 5 Filler] Top 5 Filler

Day 3,017, 14:37 Published in Canada Canada by ColinAndrage

1. “Arc welding uses an electrical arc to melt the work materials as well as filler material (sometimes called the welding rod) for welding joints. It's a little like the sparks you see when pulling jumper cables off a car battery. The arc then melts the work pieces along with the filler material that helps to join the pieces.”

2. Whether you call it spackling paste, polly filla, crack spackle, knifing filler, plaster poultice, sticky stucco, or gyprock genie, it gets the job done.

3. Filler-free pet food might be a newly hyped trend but us humans haven’t come a long way from roaming the jungle for our next meal.

4. Packing peanuts – continuing to find more and more uses in a prank-filled amazon.com economy

5. “Dermal fillers are a naturally-derived or synthetic material that is directly injected into skin with the purpose of plumping that area to the point where the wrinkle, depression, or fold is gone.” Ever more popular with the over 50 years / under 70 IQ crowd.