[RO-MoFA]Together we can win

Day 2,123, 01:46 Published in Romania Romania by Monitorul Oficial

Thank you Romania! Thank you Greece, Turkey, Argentina and all our Allies!

o7 Romania! Respect to all our Allies!

Yesterday was truly EPIC day. Romania, helped by its allies, especially Greece, Turkey and Argentina, made ​​the AS in Trondelang to be an EPIC campaign (and thus bringing lots of EPIC points).

No words can express the joy that came over me when I saw that all the people that went ALL IN for Romania! Our allies (and our tanks) were wonderful in Trondelang! The 4th division of tanks was an attribute of Greece and Turkey, with amvlad in one of his glorious days!

The romanian MU’s excellently coordinated by our MoD, maryostyle, were awesome and changed the tide of battle in the favor of Bulgaria (i.e. Romania) where the Bulgarians were looking for a victory by Norway’s side (and an escape route).
It all started with FAR’s offensive continued by the SP’s offensive. Then came the FSR and all other romanian MU in Ostlandet. It was the fight against Bulgarian tanks won by Romanians in the morning!

The 3rd front was also secured in Varna where Bulgarians had expected to find not to much opposition. They're were so wrong!

Epic battles in Trondelang, superb victory in Ostlandet (an extremely laborious victory and probably the most exciting fight of yesterday) crowned with securing Varna !

Yesterday, Romania has shown that Romanians are UNITED, that our country has ALLIES-BROTHERS as reliable allies and we are, and that we can always be a World Power !

o7 Romanians
o7 to all Romanian Military Units
o7 Greece
o7 Turkey
o7 Argentina
o7 to all our Allies
o7 to the Team

msriasu & the Team

Multumesc Romania! Multumesc Grecia, Turcia, Argentina si Aliatilor

O7 Romania! O7 tuturor Aliatilor Nostri!

Ieri a fost o zi cu adevarat EPICA! Romania, alaturi de prietenii sai, in special Grecia, Turcia, Argentina, au facut ca AirStrike-ul din Trondelang sa fie EPIC cu puncte EPICE!

Nu am cuvinte sa descriu bucuria ce m-a cuprins cand am vazut ca toata lumea a fost ALL IN pt Romania! Tankurile si Aliatii au fost minunati in Trondelang! Divizia4 a fost un apanaj al tankurilor Greciei si Turciei, avandu-l pe amvlad in zi de Glorie!

UM-urile romanesti coordonate excelent de catre mod-ul maryostyle au fost nemaipomenite si au intors pentru Bulgaria, adica pentru Romania, soarta luptei din Ostlandet, acolo unde Bulgarii cautau victoria de partea Norvegiei! Totul a inceput de la ofensiva FAR continuata de ofensiva SP, FSR-ul alaturandu-se alaturi de toate celelalte UM-uri romanesti in Ostlandet! A fost lupta impotriva tankurilor bulgaresti, castigata pana la urma dimineata de Romani!

Frontul 3 a fost securizat deasemenea in Varna unde bulgarii se asteptau sa nu gaseasca o opozitie prea mare!

Lupte Epice in Trondelang, victorie Superba in Ostlandet (una extrem de muncita, cred ca a fost cea mai palpitanta lupta de ieri) incununate cu securizarea Varnei!

Ieri, Romania a aratat ca poate fi UNITA, ca are ALIATI-FRATI de nadejde si ca poate oricand sa reprezinte o Putere Mondiala!

PS: cheltuieli din fondurile BNR: 140k CC

O7 Romani
O7 UM-urilor Romanesti
O7 Grecia
07 Turcia
07 Argentina
O7 Aliatilor
o7 Echipa
