[PEACE]Moving On Up....

Day 732, 14:07 Published in Germany Germany by Peacekeepers
....to the East Side.

In recent events, we have seen many things. We have seen the restructuring of PEACE, we have seen many of our older, larger members leave. We remain loyal to our friends and allies, regardless of stature, payment, or otherwise. We have proven this by fighting for Hungary in their battles in the past to defend our interests, as well as fighting for countries such as Austria who remain members of PEACE to this day.

But today is different.

There was a different smell in the air today. It was foul, almost rotten, and we realized that it has been this way for some time.

As PEACEKeepers, we must announce, due to some recent theft and discontent with the inside of the Alliance, that we will operate as our own entity, independent of any National tie. We will, of course, fight for our allies, those who have fought with us and for us before, as true allies, only we will now be able to better coordinate and choose where to defend and how. We will be absolutely loyal to those who are loyal to us, and countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, and Serbia just to name a few will always receive our help should it be required.

So here's to a brighter tomorrow. We wish PEACE in it's new form the best of luck, and if it ever needs help, to give us a shout.

The rightful SC

If you want to donate to PEACE GC to help out the PEACEKeeper cause, you can donate here. Remember, no amount is too small (or too large).