[NZGP] faced by injustice! *EDIT* Thank you friends!

Day 2,043, 12:10 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Straxinja

Dear friends, New Zealand Green Party is faced by injustice.
What is it?

This party for 4 months have less than 5 members. Now, for 2 days, they got 4 new members.

We'r not jealous, but we are sure, that, they are multi accounts!

Plese, tell us your oppinion on those:





If you want to help us, please, please, send a ticket!

Well, bagRepublik administration didn't do anything. But, our friends from Ujedinjenje ili Smrt and Love and Peace have helped us. Also, I would like to say thank you: Ave imperator!

We appreciate help from our friends, and they know, that NZGP will always be on their side! When you need help, we will be there!

Tomorrow BIG giweway of tanks for Ujedinjenje ili Smrt and Love and Peace!

Once more, thank you friends!
We will never forget this!