[MoPR]December Cabinet & More

Day 1,114, 00:24 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by New Zealand Public Information

Kia Ora New Zealand

The latest election was first election in New Zealand where two candidates had a real chance of winning. Congrats to Fionia and Don Kronox for a close race where Don eventually won 271 votes to 140 votes. Thanks to everyone for making it a good election and here’s to a great month.


Classic cabinet

Country President: (CPNZ / PoNZ) Don KronoX

Vice President: (vCP / vPoNZ) loader
Vice President: (vCP / vPoNZ) reaktionaer

Chief of Staff: (CoS) Koska de STRAH

Minister of Finance: (MoF) DarkMantle

Minister of Economy/Trade: (MoT) Kurojca
Assistant: (aMoT) to be appointed by MoT

Minister of Education/Development/New citizens: (MoE) Daniel Dodge
Assistant: (eMoE) to be appointed by MoE

Minister of Wiki: (MoW) Thomas765
Assistant🙁aMoW) to be appointed by MoW

Minister of Information/PR/Communications: (MoI) Welshlad
Assistant: (eMoI) to be appointed by MoI

Minister of Foreign Affairs: (MoFA)deVillefort
Assistant: (eMoFA) to be appointed by MoFA

Minister of Defense: (MoD) IvanMiletic

Minister of Immigration: (MoIM) Jockaye
That’s a sexy cabinet if I do say so myself 😛

So what’s the government up to?
At the moment the government is just beginning to set the foundations for the next month. We’ve nearly finished the transition from the old government to the new one. I would personally like to thank Calbe and the old government for helping the new government move into its position and allowing a smooth transition.
Also if anyone wants to get involved in government then you can apply for the MoFa

supah strong foundations

A united New Zealand?
At the moment New Zealand is split into two factions, the ‘ATO’ faction consisting of mainly US, Canadian, British, Australian citizens and the ‘PTO’ faction consisting of Serbians and Slovenians.
Both factions have been competing against each other since the dawn of New Zealand each slinging mud and accusing the others of attempting to PTO New Zealand. Both sides have been as bad as each other.
But this comes to an end. This government aims to continue the last government’s work on peace between both factions. From just looking at the cabinet you can see how diverse it is and includes both sides fairly.
What both sides need to realise is that there shouldn’t be two sides; there should be a united New Zealand. When the time comes we may face foreign threats to New Zealand, when that time comes what hope do we have if we can’t even work together. Remember Everyone’s a kiwi

Plans for the future
We’ve already discussed many exciting plans for the future which include ideas for the economy and our foreign diplomacy. I’ll be keeping you up to date with these in future articles. For now as some of you may know our current Serbian MPP is expiring and we’ll be looking to renew this. Also we’re exploring a few different MPP’s than we have had so I look forward to the next few days of discussion. Including being approached by the Mexican CP for an MPP which we understand is a delicate issue and we’ll be looking at the pros and cons of the MPP. We welcome everyone’s opinion on this matter.

Thanks for reading,
Minister of Public Relations

required sheep pic