[MoMC] My first speech as MoMC

Day 1,693, 01:55 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

Hello my dear mighty eIndians,

I am Goutham again writing an article as an MoMC of eIndia. I am very glad that the government has trusted and given me this position. I was serving as dMoD and MoD for some days last month. I think I didnt much reforms or works last month though. Anyway, I am here again as MoMC to serve for our nation and make our Media the one the most active Media in eRep.

Its been days that Indian Media is somewhat low with articles. Media is a tool which is very much needed for a nation to survive. Even a short span of inactive in Media Field will result in a Huge Loss to the Nation. So I want every writer or even if you are not a writer, To write something related or not related to eRep. eRep and World is full of topics, choose one and write something buddies. No one is going to oppose you for the topic you choose, even if its a article against the government. Each and every article will be accepted by eIndians unless its a spam.

Every article which is useful or entertaining others will always be boon for the development of the nation. Dont mind, if your language skills or usuage of words is not good. No one considers it though here in eRepublik. You write whatever you want with some matter in it and it will reach the top of the news. If you need any help or info, you can contact me or any one to give you assistance.

Government will be trying as much as can to develop the media. But to actually develop it, we need each and everyone's assistance in it. Myself as the MoMC will announce the rewards and everything in my plans soon in an article. And I request each and every eIndian around the corners of eIndia to write what they can as eIndia's Media needs you all the time.